Writing for Huffpo, Michael Ledeen -Freedom Scholar, Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Author of 32 books. Formerly Special Adviser to the Secretary of State.
I was a secret back channel to the Khomeini Regime in 1985. If you’re interested in all the details, help yourself to the book I wrote about it. So when I read about the current crop of secret diplomats, and their dealings with (thus far unnamed) Iranians, I know what they went through. It’s not always fun.
A lot of the coverage implies that the use of secret back channels is something new. It isn’t. There have been secret talks with the leaders of the Islamic Republic ever since the Revolution of 1979, and they have continued ever since. In the case of Obama, the secret contacts began during the election campaign of 2008, when William Miller, a former diplomat and staff director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, flew back and forth between Washington and Tehran. He was an ideal choice: an Obama loyalist, a believer in the possibility of a US-Iranian modus vivendi, and a trained diplomat, as he happily discussed his role with me a few years ago. Oddly, with all the current attention to the secret back channels, his name hasn’t surfaced.
Their mission isn’t very glamorous: they are glorified couriers, carrying messages from the White House to the Iranian leaders, and returning with the Iranian responses.
ht/ Illo0
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Hypocrisy is a reliable sign of fraud. A hypocrite wants to appear virtuous but knows he’s not. Thus, always watch what someone does more carefully than listening to what he says.
Barky is of course a textbook example.
AND, 0bama had secret meetings with Russia in 2014.
Why does he get a pass while Trump is crucified?
I will tell you.
It id becaw he blay-uk!
I guess Huff Poo forgot about this story. Watch for them to take it down in …3…2…1…
I wouldn’t be suprised in the least to find out that pig gave them our launch codes.