Flashback May 2020 Assault On The White House: 60 Secret Service Agents Wounded, President Trump Taken to Secure Bunker – IOTW Report

Flashback May 2020 Assault On The White House: 60 Secret Service Agents Wounded, President Trump Taken to Secure Bunker

Fuzzy Slippers for Legal Insurrection: Let’s put this crazy J6 “insurrection” lunacy into perspective.

The Democrats’ January 6 clown show was worse than even I expected. Their hysterical, pearl-clutching, lie-filled response to the events on January 6th, what Democrats are clearly hoping will be their transformative Reichstag moment, is unseemly, phony to its core, and purely and solely political.

We know this because there was no outrage over the leftist rioters who attempted to stop the peaceful transition of power during President Trump’s inauguration.  Not only did anti-Trump leftists riot, attack and injure police, set cars and buildings on fire, but they were later rewarded for this attempt to “subvert Democracy” to the tune of $1.6 million in taxpayer money.

Do you know how many Congressional Democrats (or Republicans for that matter) wailed about our “democracy” on the brink?  Do you know how many of these inauguration rioters were hunted down by the FBI, arrested, beaten and mistreated, and held as political prisoners for over a year?  Do you know how many of them were harboring blueprints of the Capitol building . . . or wait, that was an unconstructed, still boxed, Lego set not a “model” used for terroristic purposes or whatever random lunacy the FBI preened at that time.  If you said zero, you’re right on all counts.

And honestly, I think this clear two levels of justice—one for “righteous” protesters, including those who burned, looted, and murdered their way through Democrat-run cities in 2020, and one for J6 “terrorists”—is the reason that Democrats will never amass anything close to majority support for their January 6th witch hunt.

No matter how many deep state darlings like Liz let’s find a country to bomb Cheney they find to bleat about . . . whatever it is she bleats, they will never have the people’s support for treating what happened on January 6 as if it were Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Civil War all rolled into one. I mean, really, that’s just crazy—and visibly desperate—hyperbolic verbal vomit. more

9 Comments on Flashback May 2020 Assault On The White House: 60 Secret Service Agents Wounded, President Trump Taken to Secure Bunker

  1. “Conservatives”, “patriots”, and “the adults in the room” insist on sitting on the couch. Waiting for “their” professional betters to come for them. While sending money to the abducters, torturers, and grifters that have already taken their neighbors.

    They will not be missed.

  2. Since the Democrats never have anything truly scandalous to pin on Trump it’s always spin,spin,spin,fake,fake,fake lie,lie,lie. And the brainless mobs eat it up!

  3. Liberals and the media see and know what they are doing – they don’t care and certainly don’t see it as evil. I doubt if they see evil anywhere with the exception of conservatives. It’s an easy thing for them to forget or make light the Antifa attack on Trump while he was in the White House during which 60 Secret Service men were injured. But the Jan. 6 insurrection? Why those MAGA conservatives were attacking US democracy itself.

    When the objective is global socialism, reducing the world’s population, rolling out their disastrous enviro-wacko schemes, and eliminating our human rights – that is not evil to them – it is saving the planet.

  4. @TimBuktu January 10, 2022 at 12:04 am

    > When the objective is global socialism, reducing the world’s population, rolling out their disastrous enviro-wacko schemes, and eliminating our human rights – that is not evil to them – it is saving the planet.

    Considering the, not merely lack of push back, but profound support given — given, gifted — them… rather than “desecrate” the ghosts of flags they were allowed to steal — generations ago… are you, really, sure they’re wrong?

  5. Yes, yes yes

    It hurts to go over these truths without a solution for remediation.

    Please let me know when you have that in hand. I’ll join you if it’s legit.

    I had to end a relationship with someone that wanted to go over the same ol same ol that he actually wanted no solution for. Rejected several solutions along the way. I guess he liked complaining.

    Then why are we talking about it? At some point you either have to come up with a plan, or accept your fate, or just shut up, or I walk away. You’re driving me nuts.

    I’m seeing this article as rage porn at the moment.

    Until I see it being used as a weapon in the Senate and House, it’s nothing more.

  6. @Dadof4 January 10, 2022 at 8:33 pm

    > It hurts to go over these truths without a solution for remediation.
    > …
    > Until I see it being used as a weapon in the Senate and House, it’s nothing more.


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