Flashback – McCain Told Joke About Woman Enjoying Getting Raped By a Gorilla – IOTW Report

Flashback – McCain Told Joke About Woman Enjoying Getting Raped By a Gorilla

Just listen to McCain’s advice on how to proceed after such a politically damning revelation.

11 Comments on Flashback – McCain Told Joke About Woman Enjoying Getting Raped By a Gorilla

  1. Let’s do a little timeline, shall we?
    Trump made lewd comments about women-11 years ago
    Bill Clinton apologized for abusing and using women-never
    Bill Clinton hitched rides on the Lolita express – 10 years ago
    Hillary Clinton lied – 2 minutes ago
    Hillary started a “relationship” with a Muslim Brotherhood operative – 20 years ago
    Hillary left men to die at Benghazi – 4 years ago
    Hillary calls Trump followers deplorable – less than a month ago
    Clinton Foundation faces the music for crooked dealings – never
    Hillary faces legal woes because of her emails and server – never
    Hillary wins as president because the RNC pulls its support from Trump – less than a month from now
    The Republican led congress loses power because the RNC stiffs Trump and only Democrats vote – 3 months from now
    The Republican party ends – 4 months from now
    Hillary nominates Loretta Lynch to the supreme court – 4 months from now
    By acclamation the democrat led government suspends the Constitution – 5 months from now
    After 40 years, my membership in the Republican party ends – tomorrow

    This isn’t meant to be exhaustive but I’m exhausted and needed to get something off of my chest.

  2. I would love to break his arms again, the rotten asshole. Voter fraud will be the only reason Trump may lose. At this point, there are no more “undecided” voters and we who are voting for Trump don’t give two shits about what he said 11 years ago. The manufactured outrage has no effect on us and he won’t lose one vote because it only pissed us off even more. STFU, McCain, you irrelevant, petrified, albino whore….

  3. Come to think about the recently leaked speech content of Hillary:

    She said that a politician has to have two personas; a public one and a private, how they really think, one.

    Gads; Hillary spoke a truism and in so doing ‘outed’ every corrupt bastard, two-faced, lying unethical congressional representative and politician in America.

    I’m tired of elitist politicians and administration lackies, living on ELYSIUM, while the American people live on an earth corrupted and crowded by ILLEGAL immigrants and UNVETTED refugees, and under the shackles of laws and regulations that politicians exempt themselves from! ENOUGH.

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