Flashback: Obama Administration Brushed Off Concern Over Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Flashback: Obama Administration Brushed Off Concern Over Hunter Biden

OAN: A newly resurfaced video shows that Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine were a source of controversy for the previous administration, long before President Trump’s July phone call.

On Friday, reporters called attention to a State Department press conference held back in 2014. The department’s former spokesperson was asked if Hunter Biden’s position on the Burisma board could be perceived as a “conflict of interest” or “cronyism.”

The Obama official denied the allegation and pointed out Biden’s status as a private citizen. The reporter didn’t appear satisfied with the answer and continued to push the issue. more

8 Comments on Flashback: Obama Administration Brushed Off Concern Over Hunter Biden

  1. OK…Barry and Michelle are silent right now to let the losers pick their most highly acclaimed loser. Eventually they will pick a grade A loser…..How are Barry and Michelle going to remain silent in endorsing that acclaimed loser?. Will they remain silent? Endorse the d’s candidate or generally trade their passports for immunity from extradition?…..Silence can be the truthful and furtive avenue to knowledge….

  2. “Brushed off” my ass: he’s been stuffing his pockets with dirty money. It all goes back to obama, even hillary clinton’s crimes: all were under his watch, and none could have happened with his consent.

  3. Don’t kid yourselves.
    Obola (et al) got his cut.

    Regardless of who was “point man” in the operation, only the President has the power. Can anyone imagine Joey Biden standing up in front of Congress demanding that Ukraine’s payoff be suspended while Obola sits in the background like some retiring wallflower? Or (to maintain the pretense) Obola demanding that Ukraine GET the payoff but Joey prevailing?
    The scenario defies imagining.

    Where the Hell is the FBI? Surely they were aware.
    (as well as the CIA, NSA, DIA, State Dept., Treasury, &c.)

    izlamo delenda est …


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