Flashback – Obama’s Top Advisor On Homeland Security Vows To Infiltrate Every Level of American Government With Muslims – IOTW Report

Flashback – Obama’s Top Advisor On Homeland Security Vows To Infiltrate Every Level of American Government With Muslims

In a 2009 speech at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Brennan, reaffirms his and Obama’s mandate to infiltrate every level of our government with Muslim sympathizers, even naming members of the Muslim Brotherhood in key cabinet positions.

As he lays out a farcical mythology of peaceful Islamic contributions to the world, and blames radical Christians and other religions for the hatred and murder of thousands of Muslim victims, it’s crystal clear this mandate would be calculated, methodical and permanent.

Listen carefully and recognize the calculated messaging foisted upon our society and understand the embedded bureaucrats in the intelligence agencies assigned to take down President Trump at all cost.

Terrorism from outside our borders is not nearly as imminent as the threat lurking within. – TB

15 Comments on Flashback – Obama’s Top Advisor On Homeland Security Vows To Infiltrate Every Level of American Government With Muslims

  1. Not only is he in the 100, he might rank as high as the top 10. I’ve been looking for that essay/article but I can’t remember the author or title. I would like to see 100,000 of them printed, then dropped like propaganda leaflets from a plane around Washington DC. That would damn sure get some attention.

  2. I’ve been shouting it from the mountaintop that Brennen was a dirty Muslim traitor for a long time. Why do you think Valerie Jarrett ordered Obama to appoint him to head the CIA. Brennen wanted to stay on at the CIA in the worst way. It’s his dirty minions left at the CIA who are leaking all the secrets to try and harm Trump. Delta force should be ordered to storm CIA headquarters and drag everyone who is in league with Brennen outside the building and hang them.

  3. Brennan and others like him have infested Washington and dug in deeply. There is no way to rid this government of these roaches playing by the rules. It would be best if the officials just looked the other way and let those willing to rid us of them do so. Our republic is at stake.

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