Flashback – Pelosi and the “Wrap Up Smear” – IOTW Report

Flashback – Pelosi and the “Wrap Up Smear”

HT/ Doug W

Pelosi describes how the dem’s political smears work, with the help of the extended arm of the DNC, the media.

Stunning admission here:

16 Comments on Flashback – Pelosi and the “Wrap Up Smear”

  1. “Seems to me the Catholic church should clean up their own “voter” rolls.”

    Starting with the current occupant of the pope’s seat?

  2. Here’s the bottom line on Democrats (regardless of their ties with the Left): They view ALL politics as outside any purview of good and bad. Democrats treat politics as a moral and legal “free zone” in which they can say and do anything that will move their ball down the field. One could say they are “agnostic” to any kind of moderating influence outside their own boundless “free zone.” That is why they can say and do things without discernible guile; because they are utterly oblivious to — and contemptuous of — any basis for human moral conduct. They are the reptiles of governments the world over; piloted by a limbic system in the place of an evolved brain with the ability to apprehend morality. It what makes them dangerous.

  3. Well said Abigail, but you left out the underlying human nature that drives their actions: SELF. Self-centered, self-promotion, self-gratification, self-enrichment, etc. Couple that with the (false belief of) arrogance that they know best, and the power and resources of government, and you have a very dangerous combination. We are merely a means to their end.

  4. Their approach works flawlessly with a envious public that consists mostly of half interested, uninformed people that focus entirely on personal gain. The voters are foolish enough to believe that criminal hustlers like Pelosi are the means to a better life by forcefully transferring what others have to them.
    As a nation we are approaching critical mass and a few more nudges from the left will set off an explosion of rage fueled revenge. They have it coming.


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