FLASHBACK: Robert Gates Said He Felt Pressured To Tell Obama He Would Be Loyal – IOTW Report

FLASHBACK: Robert Gates Said He Felt Pressured To Tell Obama He Would Be Loyal

Well, look what the cat dragged in…

Daily Caller:

Critics of President Trump say that asking a high ranking official like former FBI Director James Comey for loyalty is unprecedented for a U.S. president.

But Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates told CBS News anchor John Dickerson last month he had a discussion about loyalty with Obama at the beginning of his first term, the Ace of Spades blog notes.

“In the reporting about the F.B.I. director, there was a report that the president asked him for his loyalty. Help people understand the line between duty, loyalty, and personal conscience,” Dickerson said.

Gates replied, “I think in the context of senior government positions, I think an anecdote of what I told President-Elect Obama when we had our first meeting. And I said, ‘You don’t know me. Can you trust me? Why do you think you can trust me?’ and so on. But at the end, I said, ‘You can count on me to be loyal to you. I will not leak. I will keep my disagreements with you private. And if I cannot be loyal, I’ll leave.’”

4 Comments on FLASHBACK: Robert Gates Said He Felt Pressured To Tell Obama He Would Be Loyal

  1. … & Lou Dobbs just showed the clip of Comey, UNDER OATH, saying back on May 3rd that he never leaked information

    libtards lie because they have nothing else

  2. “If I can trust you eat some these excrement’s I gathered for that purpose Mr Gates,” said pres. obamadingalingdongday.

    Apparently Mr. Trump only forces you to eat one scoop of ice cream while he eats two.

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