Flashback to Dad Confronting Pocahontas Over Getting Screwed Doing Right Thing – IOTW Report

Flashback to Dad Confronting Pocahontas Over Getting Screwed Doing Right Thing

12 Comments on Flashback to Dad Confronting Pocahontas Over Getting Screwed Doing Right Thing

  1. You’re going to pay for people who didn’t save any money and those of us who did the right thing get screwed.

    You did everything the guy with the fake Santa beard (that you already knew was fake!), told you to do. To the other kids, tied up in the van. When you jumped in the van. Because he said there’d be candy.

    You poor, poor… cheated… thing.

  2. This is why I hate the saying, “It takes a village”, because it’s a socialist construct – ref. Hellary.

    The pilgrims figured out socialism is completely non-productive. Fauxahantas, a commie hack promotes this to further erode the working middle class. Operative word “working” and the ones stuck paying for bums and illegals defaulting on their student loans.

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