FLASHback – Zelenskyy Plays Piano With His Penis – IOTW Report

FLASHback – Zelenskyy Plays Piano With His Penis

He was a comedian, actor, dancer before he was installed president of Ukraine.  In case you don’t recognize him with his pants down, Zelensky is the short one. – Zonga

31 Comments on FLASHback – Zelenskyy Plays Piano With His Penis

  1. Hopeless poets and attractive women are about the only things the Slavic people have contributed to society. At least the Koreans gave us something useful, taekwondo.

    And maintaining an erection in the presence of another man is nothing to brag about.

  2. Yet the left is screaming (and some Rinos) to go to Ukraine and die for what? People, do not send your sons and daughters to another foreign country to die for penis piano players. I didn’t breed for that.

  3. Col. Angus
    MARCH 26, 2022 AT 10:11 AM
    “Anybody remember the shit storm years back when Fur found a young lady who could queef a kazoo?”

    …apparently before my time. Only reference to it I could find was here…


    …this made me sad because Moe Tom was one of the good ones but he’s left us as so many have.

    Perhaps you or Fur could enlighten us on this “Ginger/Kazoo” incident to relieve an apparently happy memory…

  4. SNS, pretty sure it was on the old site. I must have been playing hooky on the day the post you linked was here, new to me. I probably should have left this one alone, it was a shit storm of epic proportions and ended badly. Kinda like when the Russkies disappear someone and remove all traces of their existence. I think the comments numbered close to 200 before it died down.

    At the time we had a resident troll that would routinely start flame wars with most everyone, usually on Friday nights, but this one caught everyone off guard. The post was just the usual moronic, sophomoric, 8th grade humor that we all seemed to like, but it ruffled some feathers bigly, very bigly. BTW, the disappearing was voluntary, not a thumbs down from the emperor.

  5. “Anybody remember the shit storm years back when Fur found a young lady who could queef a kazoo?”

    It’s not fair to focus on that. Angela Merkel achieved so much since then. “I am woman, hear me roar” indeed.

  6. In addition to democRATz Obama, Clinton, Rep. Josh Gottheimer, Rep. Ro Khanna, Rep. Susie Lee,
    Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry are all pimping out their sons to work on the boards of the world’s biggest money laundry! They went into high gear when they got Zelinskyy’s memo: “No Tickee, No Washee!”

  7. For some reason, I am reminded of this joke:

    “A man walks into a bar with a backpack. He unzips the pack and takes out a mini piano. He then takes out a 10 inch man. The man begins to play the piano beautifully. The bartender walks up the the man and says “Gee, where did you get the little man?” the guy hands him a magic lamp and says “rub it and make a wish” the bartender rubs it and says “I wish I had a Million Bucks!” POOF a million Ducks come marching into the bar. The bartender looks at the man and says “I think you lamp is broken” the man in return says “Yah. Do you really think i asked for a 10 inch Pianist?”

    I don’t think Ukraine asked for a six-foot dick as President, either.

  8. Conservative Cowgirl
    MARCH 26, 2022 AT 11:52 AM
    “@SNS, I miss Moe Tom! There are others in that post I don’t see here anymore, either. 😢”

    …I looked and saw one I know only from legend, “Greetings From Yonkers”, but I also saw posts from PJ or Plain Jane. That woman was an absolute saint. I had some PMs with her as well as some talk here because she reached out to me when she thought I was hurting because of something I posted (she wasn’t wrong), and we spent some time lifting each other up until she went to the Lord much too early for me, but that’s how He chose to heal her cancer and she stands with Him today as a reward for her faith I am sure, quite untroubled by this wicked world and deservedly in joy and peace and at rest at the feet of our Lord.

    I loved that woman though I knew her only through a screen and through text and for too short a time, and I suspect many here feel the same. Truly I wish I had met her IRL, but that can never be.

    I regret too that I didn’t meet Ghost when he did his cross-country trip. It just didn’t time out when he was in the area. He said he’d pick me up next time, but now…no next time. Can’t ever talk Tolkien with him now, he’s singing praises with the Lord in Heaven now.


    …you know you’re getting old when you get maudlin over people you never actually even met. This site seems to have more than its share of folks that seem genuinely decent, though.

    I didn’t know Moe quite the same way, but from what I saw, he seemed one of those too, and every post about him supports that.

    Life is loss, but there are people in it that it seems an honor to have known even a little bit, if only by his words.

    He seemed one of those.

  9. Just think of the terror that Trudeau, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Boris Johnson abd Zelenskyy strikes in the heart of Putin and Xi. Laughter generally isn’t fatal but they just might suceede. ;>)

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