Flat Sales over Memorial Day Skunk Bud Light – IOTW Report

Flat Sales over Memorial Day Skunk Bud Light


It is safe to say the Bud Light brand is now firmly connected to the image of transgender ideology. As a result, it would appear that anyone who holds a Bud Light beverage is essentially identifying themselves as a transvestite pickle-puffer, and that could potentially draw considerable side-eyes from anyone in a public place outside the region of San Francisco, California.

As further noted by the New York Post, “Demand for Bud Light over the crucial Memorial Day weekend — the official kickoff of the summer beer buying season — was lukewarm with many store shelves still holding cases of the once mighty beer, Williams said after a spot check of local stores.  At least one store was trying to unload a 24-pack of Bud Light for just $3.49, according to Beer Business Daily.” More

22 Comments on Flat Sales over Memorial Day Skunk Bud Light

  1. another way to look at it might be that the big money lenders are now requiring big companies to prove DEI and ESG score. The companies have no choice but to spread this crap in order to get investment and borrow money.

    I am just saying this for what it’s worth – Black Rock, big banks, etc know this will destroy typical American bushiness, help destroy American brands, throw Americans out of work. Tear US down.

    This is an alternate POV. Not saying it’s right.

  2. Anonymous,
    You may be onto something, there.

    Would corporate America sell their souls for money? You betcha!
    Would corporate America sell out America for money? You betcha!
    Would corporate America embrace Satanism for money? You betcha!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Communism doesn’t try to make money.
    Communism only tries to destroy people.

    This isn’t about running a business.
    It’s about advancing an agenda of suffering.

    They don’t care if they make money or not as long as they cripple souls.

  4. Frankly I think the stigma and stain that Budweasel has placed on Bud Light is permanent and may even spread to their other products. I know I throw up the sign of the cross at anything from AB now as a result! They’re Assholes thru and thru!

  5. anonymous above is exactly right. tear down statues, change building and military base names. subtract American history and degrade American heroes. this is part of that. erase the familiar and substitute newspeak.

    you can’t build back better where what we have exists. build back better requires the demolition of what exists now.

  6. Yet Trump like Bud Light, is all in for the pickle- puffers. Doesn’t that make your butt pucker? Just a friendly reminder of the blasphemy and abomination that wants to lead this country. God is not pleased. Defend that!

  7. We can hope that the DEI and ESG people overestimated their power and it will result in a great Reset — just not the way they planned it. Sure, companies such as AB and Target may have an easier time getting loans from NWO lenders, but it will be hard to pay the loans back with a diminishing customer base.

    Many countries have a flourishing underground economy. Maybe we can have a flourishing above ground economy that bypasses those that want to control us.

  8. I don’t drink so I don’t know the price of beer these days, but I was in the grocery store last week and they had two big stacks of bud and budlight with a big red sale sign, $6.99 for a 36 pack. This store has what they call a beer barn, basically a refrigerated beer room, I saw two different guys and an old lady walk right past the stacks of beer and head into the beer barn, with the old lady saying she wouldn’t drink that homo shit if they were giving it away. Made me laugh.

  9. They won’t listen to my advice, but the best thing to do would be to SINCELY apologize to those you INTENTIONALLY went out of your way to offend. Sunset the brand and don’t waste any more money on it. It is finished. Stop throwing good money after bad.


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