Fleccas Wants the Squishy Casual Middle Voter – IOTW Report

Fleccas Wants the Squishy Casual Middle Voter

Fleccas is right. We don’t have to demand anyone loves Trump.

Just get them to admit that Trump “isn’t all that bad”, “he’s not Hitler”, and they’ll be kicked off the progressive plantation, and then we can scoop them up.

5 Comments on Fleccas Wants the Squishy Casual Middle Voter

  1. The Uni-party is more than upset that an outsider won the election and they are not going to let us voters forget what we did. For years they’ve been happy just bouncing one parties winning person back and forth in hopes that it would give the appearance of voters having a choice. And then Trump screwed the game up by winning from outside their uniparty membership list. Ever wonder why no outsider has actually gotten elected in our recent past?? They just can’t recover from the loss and have no plans on letting him actually get anything much done. The next time the uniparty gets a win, they will settle down and stop crying.


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