Fleet Maneuvers – IOTW Report

Fleet Maneuvers


A symphony of sorts echoed through the sprawling shipyard on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi — banging, hissing, beeping, horns, bells and whistles — as more than 7,000 workers hustled to fill orders fueled by the largest shipbuilding budget in the Navy’s history.

The surge in spending, $32 billion for this year alone, has allowed the Huntington Ingalls shipyard to hire thousands of additional people to assemble guided missile destroyers and amphibious transport ships. “More ships are always better,” said Kari Wilkinson, the president of the shipyard, pointing to the efficiencies that come with a steady flow of contracts and the jobs they create.

But the focus from Washington on producing a stream of new warships is also creating a fleet that some inside the Pentagon think is too wedded to outdated military strategies and that the Navy might not be able to afford to keep running in decades to come.

Half a world away, at a U.S. Navy outpost in Bahrain, a much smaller team was testing out a very different approach to the service’s 21st-century warfighting needs. More

13 Comments on Fleet Maneuvers

  1. The corruption in our government is so deep that it’s likely these obsolete Navy ships are getting built because of massive payoffs that make u-turns to democrat and GOPe politicians.

  2. “…political and economic forces that have produced jobs-driven procurement policies that yield powerful but cumbersome warships that may not be ideally suited for the mission it is facing.”

    That’s a lot of words just to say “Military/Industrial Complex”. Almost every weapon it has vomited up for the past forty years is worthless against peer adversaries, as are the tactics which are currently used. It appears that only a tragic and disastrous loss of sailors and ships might bring reform, but I fear we are too far gone to fix things now.

  3. with our present situation in DC (& even w/ another Trump term) I believe there will be only increase of the takeover of the country by the Uniparty & its Corporate masters.

    unless something drastic occurs, we are not getting out of this … pray, & pray, & pray some more.

    btw, if you think this is orchestrated by the Obamas or the Clintons or some cabal of D’cRats or any others in the political class, you are sadly delusional in the assumption of their ‘leadership’ in this deliberate overthrow of Western Civilization. these jokes are so inept & pretentious, they couldn’t find their own asses without help.
    (& I don’t mean help w/ instructions … they need pictures)

    I do not, for the life of me, know why we keep voting for these dumbass dweebs … they were obnoxious assholes in Jr. High Student Council & they’re even bigger assholes now.

    “And this is Carl Phillips, Editor of the Daily Farberian …” ~ Douglas Marmalade, ‘Animal House’

  4. The Navy needs both manned and unmanned ships and boats.
    Both have limitations and advantages.
    SCOTUS ruled years ago that it’s a 1st amendment right for companies to contribute to campaigns because they are run by people and those people have rights.
    Now lobbyists, that’s a different thing altogether. They should be banned.
    Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex. I was what he was most concerned about when he left office.
    Between them and the weaponization of govt we’re in a downward spiral.
    There has been chaos in the world since Adam and Eve decided to disobey God and then Cain killed Abel.
    With instant communication we just know about it now.
    Those of us who aren’t buying into the bread and circus the propaganda media try to spew.

  5. The Military Industrial Complex (including the Unions who equally benefit) continue to build out dated, vulnerable Sea going ships which will end up in the depths of the Oceans.

    Greed continues to be the driving force when building vulnerable technologically outdated Naval Ships, Mechanized Armored Vehicles and artillery.

    The Military Industrial Complex has produced weaponry for the world, it will eventually be to our demise.

  6. Third

    Right you are. I read LONE SURVIVOR a few years back. Was dismayed to learn jarheads (we went in to try to rescue the SEALs) were using the same SeaStallions and Sea Knights I”Vertical Enveloped” over 40 years earlier Nam. It’s no wonder we lost a platoon when one was shot down! Out of date, obsolete! GWB used my Marines as cannon fodder! Good men died needlessly.

    dI ad mia another bias
    I love the Corps! Hey GWB and your acolyte it is “Core” – not a dead body; although you made many dead bodies in LONE SURVIVOR!


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