Fleet of Electric Buses Suspended in London After Sudden Fire – IOTW Report

Fleet of Electric Buses Suspended in London After Sudden Fire

London has suspended several electric buses after a seemingly spontaneous fire broke out in a double-decker bus, sparking calls for a re-examination of every electric bus used in the capital’s fleet.

16 Comments on Fleet of Electric Buses Suspended in London After Sudden Fire

  1. ^^^^^^^ Can you imagine the environmental impact disposing of that size of battery after it needs to be replaced. More Feel Good political decisions with out any factual data involved in the decision making process. The very definition of Liberalism. Excluding the fact they get super butt hurt when you bring logic into the conversation. I see a day when your gene pool is checked before you’re allowed to make any decision.

  2. The difference between an emotional, brain-dead commie and a wise, responsible conservative: Dumb ass commie comes up with a great idea someone else has to pay for. Wise conservative says “Oh good gawd. There’s no way that’ll pencil out.” Commies prevail and fail as predicted. After it’s too late and the money is gone, another conspiracy theory turns out to be right. As usual.

  3. “I see a day when your gene pool is checked before you’re allowed to make any decision.”

    How prescient is that?! On average, the level of incompetence in the human gene pool right now is incredibly high. We can’t govern ourselves, let alone make rational decisions.

  4. General Malaise

    It’ll happen after the WEF has one of their Carbon Creating Festivals. The night after they’ll all gather, get naked, and one of them will suggest they lead by example. Then they all commit suicide by watching Donald Trump rally videos. After that Libtards will realize, wow we are fucked up. And hand over all power and control to conservatives.
    Doubt me? LOL

  5. $5000 to $6000. That’s the cost of a blanket all fire departments are required to carry at least two of them now to put out an electric car fire. Now they’re gonna have to carry $30k blankets for buses and trucks, oh my! What’s screwy is everyone looks at these blankets as if they are a good thing. No, FFS, the EV is a bad thing!

    Taxes + Insurance = Higher with EVs. We’re all paying for this nonsense.

  6. IF IF IF The entire world just stopped what they were doing and spend every waking hour and all their $$$ They could not produce enough batteries just for the city limits of Houston….

  7. Gee … stupid choices have consequences?
    Who’da thunk it?

    All the brain-dead morons on Earth are glomming onto that “Me, Too!” bullshit – one stupid idea after another.

    Globaloney Warming/Globaloney Climate Change, EVs, CoVid, Socialism, Palestine, Racism –
    will these morons ever wake the fuck up (rhetorical question)?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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