Flight of the Squidpickles – IOTW Report

Flight of the Squidpickles

Uncover DC: by Larry Schweikart

For as long a I can remember, the Democrats were referred to as the “evil” party and the Republicans as the “stupid” party, the implication being that Democrats knew what they were doing, and Republicans didn’t. I think we need to revise our thinking on the latter. Mitt Romney (Minion) and Mitch McConnell (Yertle) didn’t get where they are by being stupid. Indeed, Romney was quite devious, picking a state that was not only overwhelmingly conservative but one that was uniquely Mormon. (It’s hard to imagine Romney getting elected in, say, Florida.)

No, I think we need a new way of looking at the “stupid” party, and it’s the Vain Party. For the most part, today’s GOP thinks of themselves as the Guardians of the Galaxy of Etiquette and Manners. They perceive themselves as so “moral” and “principled” and “ethical” that not only would they not cheat, but they won’t call out Democrat cheaters because, well, that “wouldn’t be nice.” And we have to play nice.

It’s important to see the vanity at work in D.C., and certainly not just with Republicans. But the difference is that the Democrats’ vanity is in their perception of themselves as the only ones moral enough in terms of current political correctness and social justice to hold power. They see themselves as uniquely “holy” when it comes to positions and policies. To them, personal behavior is utterly irrelevant, so long as one holds the right policies. This was perhaps best demonstrated in the Clinton years when a female reporter publicly stated she would perform a Lewinsky on Bill Clinton because of his position on abortion. So, both the Republicans (in terms of seeing themselves as the lord-protectors of ethics and polite behavior) and the Democrats (in terms of policies and issues) are drenched in vanity. Angelo Codevilla in 2010 perfectly explained this in his description of the “country class” and the ruling class.

To recap—as this is critical to understanding what happened on January 6 and the Great Capitol Chase or, as I call it, the Flight of the Squidpickles—both parties are dripping with vanity. They are just vain about different things. read more

20 Comments on Flight of the Squidpickles

  1. “Squidpickles”

    Did you ever catch a squid and then try to hold it?

    VERY slippery. Just like our politicians.

    (What “parties?” Almost all of them talk/act like Communists now.)

  2. The Smart ones are the ones that win, and the stupid ones are the ones that mock their enemies chances of winning instead of understanding both themselves and their enemy and what each is capable of doing.

    The Democrats learned that in 2016 with Hillary and they corrected their mistake this time around, but will we do the same or will we just continue digging into a losing strategy deeper?

    Time and our actions will tell, but I advise a new strategy over repeating a failed one and hoping for different results.

  3. We’re in this plight because both parties ignore the Constitution, know that their constituencies are apathetic morons, and engage in every illegal, underhanded, grasping, profligate, treasonous corruption known to man. With impunity!

    The Courts, the “Enforcers” (FBI, Police Depts., State Troopers, &c.), the Media, and those whose job it is to keep an eye on these things, are either so corrupt or so cowardly that they do nothing.

    Neither party is stupid. Both are evil. It’s the “good cop/bad cop” routine played out on a national scale. The reason BOTH parties hate President Trump is because he said what he meant; and he meant what he said – contrary to the gales and hurricanes of bullshit that are emitted by the two Parties and their succubi.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I just got a letter from the RNC, trumpeting that for the sake of Trump, I must donate to the cause. I’ve given to Trump, but don’t even think you’re getting a dime from me. What a pit of vipers!

  5. @Chasten’s … &c.,
    C’mon man!

    That thing lost its elasticity years ago! If it wasn’t for the gerbils, I’d feel nothing! Like sticking my dick in a (shitty) garage door opening …

  6. I prefer to be neither stupid or evil.

    I will say though that picture of Pence on his ass and all of them hiding like little scared kids, especially the one holding their chest with the other guy patting it’s arm/hand makes me laugh.

    Something else that makes me laugh is I was told by someone who is close to one of our state Senators said that they accidentally got a memo being circulated among Republican U.S. Reps and Senators about not doing any in person town hall meetings even if Covid restrictions are lifted because it’s just too dangerous.

    For one I didn’t know they had Covid restrictions of town halls, they seem to have all last year been able to go around crowds. I find it funny though that they look at us as dangerous aka they can’t handle facing pissed off voters that won’t massage their egos.

  7. Both parties are puppets of the lobbyists / corporations, they are pampered and all have a sense of entitlement and resentment of their respective bases. That caused the rise of Bernie and Trump. It will be interesting to see how long these new freshman spitfires in the GOP last. People go to DC with the best intentions but they are immediately told the rules and they won’t get on any committees or be funded if they disobey. Really why the same 4 people have controlled the minority and majority speakers in both chambers for years. How they conduct themselves is just optics. I find them both incredibly corrupt and distasteful.

  8. Pot calling the kettle black.


    Rumors have spread of armed protests this weekend at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

    President Trump took to the White House Twitter account Wednesday night urging peace in a video.

    Tensions continue to skyrocket after the U.S. Capitol was overrun by his supporters just one week ago.

    After witnessing that scene, Black Lives Matter OKC chapter is encouraging its supporters to stay home this weekend with rumored protest’s at danger levels.

    “They have come through on their threats to be violent,” said T. Sheri Dickerson of Black Lives Matter OKC. “I believe people that people are going to show up. Their intentions will not be peaceful. It will be to wreak havoc and I think they will have no problem doing harm to anyone, they are no respecter of person.”

    The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is focusing on Capitol security.

    The Oklahoma National Guard announced Wednesday it will send around 400 soldiers and airmen to the nation’s capital for Inauguration Day.

    “This is technically not our fight. So, do not involve yourselves in these things,” said Dickerson. “Honor the message and the teaching of Dr. King, of John Lewis, and be very conscious of the good trouble that you participate in.”

  9. BTW, you know why they never did much damage in Oklahoma? For one they were charged with crimes, for two when the police in certain areas weren’t doing their job, Oklahoma taxpayers showed up and protected businesses, city property and state property. Then the cops started doing their jobs.

    In a state where it’s legal to defend yourself they didn’t want to tangle with them. In a state where they were prosecuted the out of state groups didn’t want to show up.


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