Flint Spent A Third Of Emergency Water Fund On Progressive Goodies – IOTW Report

Flint Spent A Third Of Emergency Water Fund On Progressive Goodies


Daily Caller

Four years ago this month, then-Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder declared an emergency in Flint, and $390 million in state aid began pouring in. Much of the money, however, was spent on activities only peripherally related to lead in water, state spending data show.

About $129 million was spent on economic development and “social development,” nearly as much as the $144 million spent on safe drinking water, according to the state budget tally.

Money from a state water grant was used to bring “a youth basketball league back to the city after a fifteen-year absence,” according to the book “The Poisoned City.”

State water-crisis money has been providing free daycare for children ages 3 and under in the city, even though none of them were alive or in utero during the primary water crisis, a state spokesman acknowledged. The city switched from the problematic water supply in October 2015. More

10 Comments on Flint Spent A Third Of Emergency Water Fund On Progressive Goodies

  1. For those who can’t make it to the liberal run sh*thole named Detroit, I would like to introduce you to Flint Michigan. Other than their place on the map there is very little difference.

  2. Corruption.
    The basis of every single program in gov’t – Federal or State.

    If the corrupt-o-crats can’t siphon off a large percentage to their cronies, the bill simply won’t pass. Where the Obola Administration excelled (from the point of view of corruption) was that virtually EVERY dollar was stolen! Joey and Hunter are just the tip of the corruption iceberg. TARP, “infrastructure,” China, Ukraine – you name it – the money disappeared. THAT was the real intent and purpose of Sec. Clinton’s shit-house server (which was approved by Obola, by the way) and the reason the FBI played Sgt. Schultz.

    Such widespread corruption isn’t possible without the consent (and complicity) of the secret state police – ask mexico – germany – russia – china – cuba – syria – turkey – france – spain – italy – holland – england – &c. No one WANTS to live in a third-world shithole, but they’re willing to craft one (or allow their nation to descend into one) in order to steal on a global scale.
    Obola would be just as happy with the biggest mud hut in some remote kenyan cesspool as he is on martha’s vineyard – so long as the locals bring their sons to him and he has a bag of gold laying around.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I spent two weeks in Flint in the 70s. Stayed with my cousins while my aunt was in the hospital. Seemed like a normal town. Heard about the shenanigans of the city ‘leaders’ decades later when my Aunt moved back to Northern MI where she grew up. She was so glad to get out. Her children left, too.

  4. Today, I heard a smart black businessman on a local
    conservative radio station near Baltimore.
    I was very impressed.
    He said he talked to black, City politicians
    about poverty there and why the poor are always
    hanging on the edge regardless of the huge amounts
    of dollars the City gets from the State and Feds.
    They admitted to him that they were “in the business
    of poor”.
    That is how they keep the free, easy money gushing into their private toilet of a town with no intention of
    fixing the poverty. It is their cash cow.
    PS: He also said he kept his listening channels
    open and that race riots would start by July 2020,
    once the weather warmed up.


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