Florence, Italy had “Hug a Chinese” day after Trump banned travel from China – IOTW Report

Florence, Italy had “Hug a Chinese” day after Trump banned travel from China

Blaze: Italy is now the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the globe and one of the country’s top virologists says political correctness is partly to blame.

15 Comments on Florence, Italy had “Hug a Chinese” day after Trump banned travel from China

  1. …I worked with a guy for whom EVERY day was Hug a Chinese day.

    A Chinese WOMAN day, that is.

    Not always willing.

    It got him fired.

    It got him divorced.

    It also got him a Chinese wife.

    …but it didn’t kill him…

    At least…not yet…

  2. It seems to me, that if you do something you normally wouldn’t do, only to prove to the world your not a racist, wouldn’t that act make you a liar and a racist? Or, in this case, a liar, racist and a statistic!

  3. China is being very clever. They’ve bribed hillay clinton, dianne feinstein amd the like, bought our media and colleges. Imagine how deep pelosi and schumer must be in to them?
    Now, they’re spreading their population to europe and africa, disease and all. They have 1.6 billion people. We have 300 million. They can lose half their.population and wouldnt blink.


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