Florida Abortion Ban – IOTW Report

Florida Abortion Ban

Florida’s Supreme Court upholds 2022 15-week abortion ban, allowing a separate 2023 six-week ban to take effect in 30 days; court also allows proposed amendment codifying the right to an abortion in the state constitution to appear on November ballot. (More

10 Comments on Florida Abortion Ban

  1. There goes Florida.
    Abortion will win it for the Democrats.
    That’s the only thing they have but it’s
    A winner for them. Doesn’t matter that
    the rest of the Democrat platform will destroy
    The country as long as they can keep killing babies.

  2. CrazyLady ❤️45
    TUESDAY, 2 APRIL 2024, 8:15 AT 8:15 AM
    “There goes Florida.
    Abortion will win it for the Democrats.”


    Chicks vote.

    Chicks LOVE to kill their babies.

    Chicks will vote in huge numbers against anyone who puts limits on killing their babies.

    It sucks, it’s wrong, but it’s a fact that’s been played out over and over again that once they can turn the conversation to abortion,Democrats win.

    I’m not a chick so I can’t tell you why and obviously there are females like Crazylady here who do think with brain instead of uteres,, but by and large once the 19th Amendment passed, we were doomed as a nation, it was just a matter of time.

    I was in Ohio when they made it so the big Democrat cities could change our Constitution all by themselves. It wasn’t about abortion but the Communists MADE it about abortion, and our idiot GOP helped them do it.

    So after only 2 votes, now I live in a state where there’s a State CONSTITUTIONAL right to kill your baby at any time to birth, and I think they’re working on medical murder AFTER birth, first by deliberate neglect, then later by more positive means. Just waiting for the 2024 steal, I suppose.

    Look how happy these chicks are after they won the Constitutional “right” to medically assisted infanticide. It wasn’t even close.


    That’s just one example. There are many more.

    So congrats, Florida. You did what’s right, for now. But you just handed the Florida chick electorate to the Democrats in November, and they’ll reverse you soon thereafter, and the sacrifice to Baal will be redoubled.

    Only Jesus can fix it now. Anyone less will be consumed in the flames of a neonate crematorium.

  3. In typical fashion, NBC slants the article stongly toward the left. Pro abortion groups are called “pro-reproductive rights”, while pro-life groups are called “anti-abortion”.

    I wonder if the “conservative” Florida Supreme Court would have used the same basis to approve a ballot measure that legalizes murder AFTER birth?

    Florida is a red state, but I agree, this tactic will motivate the Democrat voters in November like nothing else, including hatred of President Trump.

  4. Anonymous SubPrime
    TUESDAY, 2 APRIL 2024, 8:42 AT 8:42 AM
    ‘and Satan smiles.’

    …as do his earthly daughters.

    But maybe not for long…

    “27 And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

    28 But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.

    29 For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

    30 Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.

    31 For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?”
    -Luke 23:27-31

  5. CrazyLady
    “There goes Florida.
    Abortion will win it for the Democrats.”

    That’s how Michigan got Queen Gretch. She promised to kill babies after the SCOTUS plan was leaked. She only won her second term in 2020 by massive voter fraud.

  6. I’m at the point that if a democrat welfare queen wants to terminate a child that will grow up taught to hate & blame Whitey for all their woes, I say let them kill the little bastards up to and including after they are born.

    I don’t care!

  7. ^^^^^^

    I can’t say I disagree with that statement. We’d be looking like South Africa right now. However the DNC should step up and take responsibility for every aspect mentioned.


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