Florida: Barring A Miracle, Rick Scott Is Going To Win – IOTW Report

Florida: Barring A Miracle, Rick Scott Is Going To Win


UPDATE: We’re heading to a hand recount. And yes, Rick Scott will probably win that too (via AP):

Unofficial Florida election results show that the governor’s race seems to be settled after a machine recount but the U.S. Senate race is likely headed to a hand recount.

Republican Ron DeSantis is virtually assured of winning the nationally watched governor’s race over Democrat Andrew Gillum. Florida finished a machine recount Thursday that showed Gillum without enough votes to force a manual recount.

Unofficial results posted on a state website show the margin between U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson and Gov. Rick Scott is still thin enough to trigger a second review. State law requires a hand recount of races with margins of 0.25 percentage points or less.

This race is over. Even while Broward and Palm Beach Counties continue with their mandatory recount, incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson is still trailing Republican Gov. Rick Scott by 12,000 votes. Barring a miracle, or massive voter fraud, there’s no way he’s going to win. Even CNN admits this:


18 Comments on Florida: Barring A Miracle, Rick Scott Is Going To Win

  1. jezus, can you imagine how many democrat counterfeit ballots they had to make and count and still not win? I think we’re lucky to get out of this one alive.

    Maybe now some laws will be enforced.

  2. I’m listening to Dan Bongino subbing for levin, and he’s saying this is a democrat trial run for the next election. They want to see how far they can take this. Like a shark testing the shark cage.

  3. States need to look at their laws, going through different state laws many if not all have huge holes that make it easy to commit fraud, including states with voter ID. Although many laws on the books were broken and outside of Texas nobody is prosecuting these thugs and they’re only prosecuting a small few.

  4. these effing democrats are stealing elections everywhere right out in front of everyone’s eyes….

    ….as the saying goes, right in front of God and everyone……

    we SEE them stealing these elections, yet we allow them to get away with it…..

    and so…..because we do NOTHING to stop it, they know they can do it again next time……this is all a rehearsal for stealing the 2020 election……

    stupid republicans won’t bother using their lameduck session to pass voter id laws, or the wall funding, or anything else THEY KNOW WE WANT…..it’s their last chance, and they will spend it on
    piffly nigglischitt legislation, instead of real legislation……

    mitchy mitch has already been re-installed in his place, samo his number two and three….

    remember to vote, when you can….but don’t send these rinos any more money…..all they do is capitulate…..i hate them….i would love to send the christmas cookies, but i know said cookies would never actually reach them……same as our famous MAGA BOMBER knew his packages would never reach the addressee…..

    damn, i am angry and peaced off tonite…..and i haven’t even mentioned the damn invasion…..

  5. these effing democrats are stealing elections everywhere right out in front of everyone’s eyes….

    ….as the saying goes, right in front of God and everyone……

    we SEE them stealing these elections, yet we allow them to get away with it…..

    and so…..because we do NOTHING to stop it, they know they can do it again next time……this is all a rehearsal for stealing the 2020 election……

    stupid republicans won’t bother using their lameduck session to pass voter id laws, or the wall funding, or anything else THEY KNOW WE WANT…..it’s their last chance, and they will spend it on
    piffly nigglischitt legislation, instead of real legislation……

    mitchy mitch has already been re-installed in his place, samo his number two and three….

    remember to vote, when you can….but don’t send these rinos any more money…..all they do is capitulate…..i hate them….i would love to send the christmas cookies, but i know said cookies would never actually reach them……same as our famous MAGA BOMBER knew his packages would never reach the addressee…..

    damn, i am angry and peaced off tonite…..and i haven’t even mentioned the damn invasion…..

    i spect to be peaced off for a long time…..getting really tired of supposedly republican people telling me to shut up…..

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