Breitbart: The city of Winter Haven, Florida, is ditching fluoride in their water supply, citing, in part, warnings from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Health and Human Services Secretary.
According to reports, the commissioners made this determination in a 3-2 decision, removing the fluoride by January 1, according to WFLA, which detailed much of the debate: more here
Let me guess, the 2 who voted against it are Democrats?
Either you’ve used an analysis of available data or you haven’t. Risk assessment is the hardest as “the poison is in the dose” and we have a largely mobile society so who is getting how much and when is not available.
Good to harden teeth? Empirical/anecdotal accounts support that conclusion. But all non-waterborne dental applications include the instruction “do not swallow”.
Think, don’t feel. Make good choices.
“Let me guess, the 2 who voted against it are Democrats?”
I bet if you made a Venn diagram of “RFKJ is a scaremonger about fluoridated water” and “Trump said to drink bleach”, it would look like one circle.
Somehow, I think that POE (purity of essence) is involved.
OMG, RFK Jr wants to ban water!
Right Geoff! Don’t mess with our precious bodily fluids!
Fluoridation isn’t forced. I’ve operated and/or managed several investor owned water treatment facilities that fluoridated. The utilities didn’t just start feeding it for fun; it was started because the communities requested it. I may be wrong, but I believe the American Dental Association still recommends it. Most people are unaware that fluoride is naturally occurring in many source waters, utilities add a small amount to bring it up to the recommended residual.
If you pour a gallon of fluoride on the street it’s considered a biohazard because it’s that poisonous. I byproduct from making aluminum. Banned in all of Europe.
Yeah, Sounds like something you want inside you. Not
I just queried the piece-of-shit AI tool, “Perplexity,” to cite randomized clinical trials concerning public water fluoridation. Perplexingly, it found none. As a species, we are fucking fuck fucked.
The TRUTH and the warnings against fluoride have been around since the late 1950s!!!!!! So suddenly, because some democrat with the right last name says something they care? Let them get rid of fluoride, then vote them ALL OUT OF OFFICE.
Dental caries have been dramatically reduced thru water fluoridation. This was discovered because people who have naturally occurring fluoride in their water have a much lower caries rate. The one part per million that communities shoot for has never hurt anyone. That’s the science folks and there is much more if you know where to look. This is real science. Established before it was tainted by politics. Look up Minnesota brown stain for the history of water fluoridation.