Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Biden to Be Handed Delegates – IOTW Report

Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Biden to Be Handed Delegates


Florida Democrats are keeping Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and President Joe Biden’s other opponents off the state’s primary ballot, effectively handing Biden the state’s 250 delegates, Politico noted Thursday night. 

Thursday marked the deadline for the Florida Democrat and Republican parties to submit their lists of approved candidates for their receptive primaries, and Biden was the lone name on the Democrat ticket, per Politico

Phillips took to X to contend that the move disenfranchises millions of Florida voters and said he would challenge “this absolute nonsense.’  more

18 Comments on Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Biden to Be Handed Delegates

  1. So they don’t like it when they are denied access to the ballot, but they are just fine with their party suing to keep Trump off the ballot in a number of states?

    Go fuck yourselves. This is the world you have built, now you get to live in it.

    Also, if you wouldn’t have cheated, you would almost be done with Trump for good. Now, I hope you get it good and hard you fuckers. And I include a lot of ‘R’s’ in that group too.

  2. One would think that good republican DeSantis would be all over this.
    Although, if there on;y choices are Biden or DeSantis, RINO DeSantis wins.
    Now they just have to stop Trump from running.

  3. Formal political parties should be outlawed. First off, no one elects the corporate party apparatus who make all the rules, can change all the rules, and who decide who can be a candidate. Nixing candidates and would-be candidates from a party’s ticket is not new, nor is giving one candidate’s votes or delegates to another with absolutely no input from voters. The Democrats do this with regularity. They did it within their own party in 2007 in both Florida and Michigan during the primary, and they decided to force their twisted will on all voters in 2020.

    I shake my head whenever I read a story about voters being disenfranchised as long as we have unelected, corporate political parties. I don’t even understand how they are allowed to exist. You’d think there would have been a Supreme Court challenge to them.

  4. The Dems are so interested in making sure every vote counts and that everyone votes, the party goes through the trouble of doing the voting so that people don’t have to do it themselves. How compassionate.

  5. …In a nearer to perfect world, political parties would exist in name only — that is, their only “power” would be to have a name and nothing else. No Inc., LLC, no legal structure. If you’re a Republican, fine, good for you. Same for all the others. They’d hold no bank accounts and no way to receive or spend funds (except a coffee can for the refreshment fund at local meetings). They’d be watched and held to account for any financial activity, and fined/jailed if caught taking or spending money for political activities.

  6. It’s immaterial, the DNC will cast the Pedo and retarded child aside at the convention for a Manchelle/Loathsome ticket.

    This state move will be repeated until the strap hangers are marginalized to clear the way for the Wookie’s coronation. Nazi Piglousi and the Magic Negro Halfrican have already divied up the power of the Demonrats into their individual fiefdoms.

    I fully expect some election adjacent incident to take out the Pedo and generate maximum sympathy and anti-MAGA hysteria with a red flag action so repulsive Manchelle will be a shoo in.

    These Luciferian reptiles are capable of anything…

    Take it to the bank.


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