Florida: FBI Corruption Probe of Gillum More Serious Than Expected – IOTW Report

Florida: FBI Corruption Probe of Gillum More Serious Than Expected

Newsmax: An FBI corruption probe that Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum insists is not focused on him has taken a turn for the worse.

The Florida Ethics Commission has issued new subpoenas, as government watchdogs and the press question the Tallahassee mayor’s travel expenses and interactions with undercover FBI agents.

With most polls showing Democrat Gillum nursing a slight lead over Republican Ron DeSantis, Gillum seems intent on evading questions and running out the clock until next Tuesday’s election.

According to the state Division of Elections, some 3 million Floridians have already cast ballots in early voting.

“Let me be very clear about what the record is,” Gillum declared during the gubernatorial debate on Oct. 21. “I am not under FBI investigation, and neither is my city government. What we have done is, we have welcomed them in. If there is someone who has done something wrong, they ought to be held fully accountable for their actions.”

Republican Ron DeSantis shot back: “When I worked with the FBI, I was doing it as a prosecutor to bring people to justice. When Andrew is dealing with the FBI, he’s dealing with an undercover agent as a person of interest in an investigation.”

That’s a reference to a federal corruption investigation been underway in Tallahassee for about three years. The probe apparently focuses on political influence and Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) deals that took place in the city.

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12 Comments on Florida: FBI Corruption Probe of Gillum More Serious Than Expected

  1. If the people of Florida want a lying thieving corrupt maggot for governor, that’s their business.
    If it weren’t for lying thieving corrupt maggots, we’d have a severely circumscribed political class and no Demonrats, whatsoever.

    So, the FBI needs to get back to protecting traitors like HRC and leave the po black folks alone.

    Give ol’ Gollum a bucket of fish, some hush-puppies, and a bottle of hot sauce and let him get back to doing what he does best – stealing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Ranger76, that’s the same problem we have in Georgia. No way would we have a radical socialist black hack running for governor if the Dems thought there weren’t enough black voters to bring them into fraud range. Georgia was about 60/30 white/black in 2010. It has to be much closer now. Atlanta is a Mecca for government and media jobs.

  3. I realize the importance of electing solid R people, but my only vote is here in SC.

    I still don’t trust this new version of Lindsay Graham, although I like it.

    Haley was, and…in my opinion…still is an opportunistic GOPe politician.

    Gowdy can create awesome sound bites, but…in my opinion…turned out to be an all-talk GOPe politician.

    We hear very very little from/about Scott.

    Anit-trumper Sanford lost in his primary and now will not endorse the conservative R that beat him…..thank goodness she survived that horrendous car wreck she was in.

    Norman barely defeated his D opponent in the special election to replace Mulvaney. Norman can let his mouth engage before his brain does, sigh. He is in a TIGHT race against the same D opponent.

    This state is still very red. If the 2020 presidential election goes blue, it will be via fraud.

    When all is said and done, SC is still a great state to live in. Now if we could just get rid of Clyburn from his D gerrymandered district………


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