Florida Gators Put the Bite on DEI – IOTW Report

Florida Gators Put the Bite on DEI

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The University of Florida is firing all employees in positions related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) according to a memo sent on Friday. It follows the passage of a state law in 2023 targeting college funds spent on DEI.

UF officials say they have closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, eliminated DEI positions and administrative appointments, and halted DEI-focused contracts with outside vendors. Officials say 13 positions were eliminated and 15 administrative appointments were ended for faculty.

The decision was made to comply with the Florida Board of Governor’s regulation 9.016 on prohibited expenditures. Approximately $5 million previously allocated to DEI initiatives will be reallocated into a faculty recruitment fund.

Eliminated employees will receive 12 weeks of standard pay and are encouraged to apply before April 19 to other positions in the university.

12 Comments on Florida Gators Put the Bite on DEI

  1. Approximately $5 million previously allocated to DEI initiatives will be reallocated into a faculty recruitment fund.

    Hey assholes! How about giving that money back to us Floridian taxpayers? You’ve already got too many faculty and admins.

  2. Well, shoot. I’m goin’ to hafta take ‘nother look at them Gators next Fall!

    They be runnin’ some kind of Department of Rescindment down there. Get rid of them bad laws and throw the bums the fuck out!

    Hell. Those corrupt, liberal shitbags in Georgia ain’t gonna like that. Maybe the whole, corrupt State Of Georgia should get thrown the fuck out!

  3. I hear you Uncle Al but I’m sure you know as well as the rest of us, once the ‘government’ gets your money you’re not likely to ever see it again.
    Besides….they have convinced themselves that they know better how to spend such money than us ignorant peons.

  4. I love this. Eff your group/identity politics, as if you’re something unique and special.

    Are you an American? Then what’s the problem? You have the same rights as every other American.

    Beyond that you’re pushing a religious agenda.

  5. “The University of Florida is firing all employees in positions related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ”

    These people currently pose zero threat to myself or loved ones lives. So good for them, but what ever.
    I’m a big process guy. My deal. So here we have airlines busting their asses to put large black women, who can’t balance their checkbooks, in control of countless lives.
    So the FFA quality survey looks something like this, total traceability on replacement parts and repairs. Flight time logs checked and critical safety parts logged and non destructive tested for cracks a fatigues performed. Engine turbines inspected and NDTd, Landing gear components hydraulics pressure checked and passed. Pilots, two very large black females that almost solo’d in a piper cub but love rap music and large male genitalia. We’re good.
    I’ll never fly again.

  6. That’s a step in the right direction. Now, how about either giving that money back to Floridians, or using it to teach civics and good citizenship?

  7. Brad, I am worried about the DIE pilots in the pipeline now. My oldest son is about to become a CFI, and there’s a black kid who just started the program, hasn’t even soloed yet, who can’t spell worth a damn…spells “idle” as “idel” and such. I know, it’s nitpicking, but it’s not a good sign. The school just washed out a black guy, veteran, who coukdn’t navigate his way out of a paper bag. He tried to throw his instructor under the bus on the way out.

    I asked my son if he thought this new kid would make a good pilot, and he could only say, “I hope so”. The school has pretty high admission standards, but I think they’re under some pressure to produce DIE pilots. I can only hope that my son, when he becomes a CFI there, isn’t sitting in the right seat, saddled with some incompetent dope in the left seat, and he has to wash him out before people get killed.

    And don’t get me started on Air Traffic Controllers; that situation is already a clusterf—k in the tower. There’s a black ATC at a local airport who all the students and instructors call “Mumbles” because he’s incomprehensible. Thank god it’s a small airport, and the pilots can work around him. But he’ll no doubt be kicked upstairs to a big airport one day, and I sure don’t want to be under his purview then.

  8. The City of Jacksonville FL was prepared to spend $50 million to help UofF build a College of Diversity School downtown. I am sure the NAACP and the Democrats running Crimeville are pissed off.


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