Florida Governor Rick Scott Pulls Cases From State Attorney – IOTW Report

Florida Governor Rick Scott Pulls Cases From State Attorney


Gov. Rick Scott Orders State Attorney Aramis Ayala Off 21 More Cases

Fort Lauderdale, FL –  Florida Governor Rick Scott removed State Attorney Aramis Ayala from 21 first-degree murder cases in her district because she has said that she would not seek the death penalty during her tenure.

Many of the cases involve killers who have already been convicted and sentenced to death, and if the cases had remained with Ayala, she would have allowed the convictions to change to life sentences.

The Governor took the unprecedented action by issuing executive orders on Monday, April 3, according to News 6.  He had previously removed Aramis Ayala by executive order from the Markeith Loyd case after she said that she would not seek the death penalty in his case, or any case that came before her.

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10 Comments on Florida Governor Rick Scott Pulls Cases From State Attorney

  1. Bet she didn’t campaign on not imposing the death penalty. At least she was honest enough to let her intention known once in office but she sure has hell didn’t expect to get kicked of the career making cases. Funny how she defended herself by saying all these killers would rot in jail for the rest of there lives never seeing a day of freedom. I think that’s a little worse then a needle. If she has any sense she resign and say it was out of principle.

  2. If this leftist virtue-signaler is so against the death penalty that she can’t do her fuckin’ job professionally and ethically, then she needs to quit or be fired and she can become a defense lawyer and defend these murderous savages and thugs.

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