Florida Governor Ron Desantis Wins Big in Partial E-Verify Vote – IOTW Report

Florida Governor Ron Desantis Wins Big in Partial E-Verify Vote

Breitbart: Florida Gov. Ron Desantis has scored a big — but partial — victory in Florida when a GOP-controlled committee approved a loopholed version of his mandatory E-Verify bill.

The bill survived a committee review with a 4:2 vote on February 11, partly because the amended bill creates several large loopholes for the business groups that fiercely oppose the popular bill.

Employers’ lobbies oppose mandatory use of the federal E-Verify database because it would force employers to exclude illegal immigrants from jobs. Without easy access to illegal workers, employers are pressured to raise wages for Americans who work in construction, hospitality, and agriculture.

So the bill is also opposed by investors’ groups, including the FWD.us group that was founded by billionaires Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, and which includes a host of other investors in real estate and transportation. FWD.us issued a report acknowledging that the state likely includes 700,000 illegal immigrants, including roughly 440,000 workers.

Some business lobbyists admit that rising wages are a boon for politicians. “Are rising wages good for national politics?” Breitbart News asked January 9 during the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s annual State of American Business event.

“You’re damn right they are,” responded Tom Donohue, the CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, adding:

They are good for national politics if you’re a politician, for sure. And it’s good for national politics if you want people to feel more engaged in the healthy part of the economy and go out and vote to keep it that way. If you look the other side of your question: ‘Are decreasing wages good for national politics?’ Hell, no.

If you have ten people for every job, you’re not gonna have a drive [up] in wages. [But] if you have five people for every ten jobs, wages are going to go up.”

Desantis’s support for American employees is helping to push up his polling support before his 2022 reelection.

The Miami Herald report on the 4:2 vote said it came after business groups won big loopholes:

The proposal is the strictest of its kind filed this year, as it includes both public and private employers in the mandate, at least initially crossing both the business and agriculture lobbies. Two other bills, sponsored by Sen. Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota, and Rep. Cord Byrd, R-Neptune Beach, exempt private employers, who serve as some of the state’s biggest political campaign donors. MORE

5 Comments on Florida Governor Ron Desantis Wins Big in Partial E-Verify Vote

  1. I don’t understand this. E Verify is still the law of the land. It’s just not enforced. If I’m wrong please tell me. But the to the best of my knowledge it’s a law that was never repealed, it’s just ignored.

  2. @Brad – “By law, E-Verify is mandatory for the federal government, as well as federal contractors and subcontractors. … Seven states have E-Verify laws that require all or most employers to use E-Verify including Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah.”


    My company used it in 2011-12 when I worked for a food manufacturer, and most of the jobs were at or near the $8 minimum wage. A lot of applicants got the ‘check for additional info’ response – at which point they typically would smile and walk away. E-Verify isn’t there to catch illegals, just to prevent them from getting jobs.

  3. LCD
    Completely understand the purpose of E Verify. Back in the late 90 and late 2000 we were doing all commercial work and had to sign up and implement E-Verify. We were audited about 6 times. Like a say, what’s changed?


    Every city, county, and state has this, it can EASILY be used to identify duplicate voters in the U.S. (college students who vote on campus and send an absentee ballot back to their home state).

    ✔️ Input name and SSN#.
    ✔️ Select the range of cells you wish to test.
    ✔️ On Excel’s Home tab, choose Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cells Rules, and then Duplicate Values.
    ✔️ Click OK within the Duplicate Values dialog box to identify the duplicate values.
    ✔️ Duplicate values in the list will now be identified.

    🔴 When the democrats say, “Oh it’s too expensive to verify data, or too cumbersome”, it clearly is easy enough for a middle school student to operate.

    🔴 Every state verifies actual citizens eligible to work, pay taxes, vote etc, and then just simply see if there is a double entry in their state, or any other state. One of the two is fraudulent and can be apprehended, investigated, and charged.

    How many government agencies have Excel? Probably all of them.


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