‘Florida Man’ Facing Charges For Attempt To Suppress Gov. DeSantis’ Vote – IOTW Report

‘Florida Man’ Facing Charges For Attempt To Suppress Gov. DeSantis’ Vote


As Election Day 2020 looms (and concerns regarding voter fraud and voter suppression are being bandied about), “Florida Man” is doing his part to keep things interesting. (Rumor has it my RedState cohorts Thomas LaDuke, Brad Slager, and Scott Hounsell discussed this very thing on the most recent episode of Bourbon on the Rocks.)

Earlier today, The Hill reported that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ran into a snag when he went to cast his vote:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) was nearly prevented from casting his ballot this week after a man allegedly changed his home address online.

The governor attempted to cast his ballot on Monday, The Associated Press reports, but was informed at the polling place that his address had been changed to a small apartment more than 400 miles away.

It seems that Anthony Guevara, 20, of Naples — i.e., “Florida Man” — thought it’d be a swell idea to change things up for the Governor and alter his address on the state’s election website. When DeSantis attempted to cast his vote on Monday, he discovered that his address had been changed. more here

5 Comments on ‘Florida Man’ Facing Charges For Attempt To Suppress Gov. DeSantis’ Vote

  1. from the linked article:

    Now, here’s the even stranger part — per the AP, Guevara is a registered Republican! Hard to interpret his hijinks as politically motivated given that.

    Florida is NOT an open primary state although one of the ballot choices this time is YES/NO on passing a constitutional amendment to open up all parties’ primaries to all registered voters. (I voted NO of course). A lot of Florida is majority Rep and some Dems register as Reps to mess with the primaries hoping to get a squishy RINO on the general election ticket instead of a principled conservative. It’s a sleazy tactic.

  2. Living in a red state I can back Uncle Al up, we get a lot of democrats that openly brag about registering as Republicans so they can give us the worst candidate.
    Then those who want to be elected to office switch to Republican.


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