Florida man who stockpiled nearly four tons of explosives sentenced to federal prison – IOTW Report

Florida man who stockpiled nearly four tons of explosives sentenced to federal prison

Tampa, Florida – U.S. District Judge Susan C. Bucklew sentenced Marc Jason Levene (57, Sarasota) to five years in federal prison for possessing explosive materials as a convicted felon. The court also ordered Levene to forfeit almost four tons of explosive fuses and flash powder.  – Story

12 Comments on Florida man who stockpiled nearly four tons of explosives sentenced to federal prison

  1. If only he was sentenced to, I don’t know, like however many seconds for a charge to be lit to eliminate the four tons along with himself?
    Doing the math here, 3 squares a day for life, a cell,,, Nah.
    Fire in the hole!

  2. If only he was sentenced to, I don’t know, like however many seconds for a charge to be lit to eliminate the four tons along with himself?
    Doing the math here, 3 squares, a cell,,, Nah.
    Fire in the hole!

  3. My Grandfather was able to buy dynamite to blow up stumps on his farm at the hardware store back in the 30’s and 40’s. Try and do that today and you’d be in big trouble. My dad and one of his older brothers also used it for fishing on Hayden Lake in N. Idaho back in the day. And the Rexall drug store a couple of blocks away from my house sold all the ingredients to make smoke bombs and etc. over the counter with no questions asked when I was 14 or 15 back in the late 60’s.

  4. Explosive fuses. That the best the BAT FAGS can do? Bear in mind, this is the agency that once evaluated to be incorporated into the FBI got dis-invited because the personnel involved were found to be idiots and morons.

    The BATFE (Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives) are a TAX organization. Yet they have members with badges, automatic weapons, body armor and armored vehicles. They were the first strike elements at Waco. That got their asses shot off. Then Janet Reno authorized the killing of every body on site. The FBI was there too. Getting their agents accustomed to killing US citizens at the behest of Washington.

    Lon Horiuchi, deployed at Ruby Ridge, was an early adopter of US policy of killing US citizens at distance at the behest of the DOJ.

    None of this is supposition. It is all fact.

    Those of you that think the US Military would be on the side of a citizen uprising, think again. They’ll kill you.


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