Florida Man’s Body Decayed After Being Stored in Cruise Ship’s Drink Cooler – IOTW Report

Florida Man’s Body Decayed After Being Stored in Cruise Ship’s Drink Cooler

Pretty sure the cruise ship had a helicopter pad.

Breitbart: A lawsuit claims the body of a man who died during a Celebrity Cruise in August was not kept in the ship’s morgue but in a cooler.

“The body of Robert L. Jones of Bonifay, Florida, was found in the Celebrity Equinox ship’s drink cooler, where it laid [sic] in a body bag on a floor palette [sic] for days and was badly decayed, his family’s lawsuit filed April 19 in federal court in Miami says,” the Miami Herald reported Friday.

The time it takes for a person’s body to decompose depends on conditions including temperature and moisture, according to the Australian Museum.

Per the Herald, the drink cooler’s temperature was allegedly not cold enough to keep the body from decomposing.

The family had hoped to have an open casket funeral upon the cruise ship’s return to Fort Lauderdale after its voyage to the Caribbean.

However, the complaint said the man’s body was “so far gone in the decomposition process” that it was not an option for them.

The decomposition process comes in several stages known as livor mortis, rigor mortis, and algor mortis, according to Medical News Today.

Jones died after suffering heart complications while onboard the ship with his wife, Marylin Jones, whom crew members reportedly urged to allow his remains to be kept onboard instead of moving them to San Juan, Puerto Rico. MORE

21 Comments on Florida Man’s Body Decayed After Being Stored in Cruise Ship’s Drink Cooler

  1. “…in the Celebrity Equinox ship’s drink cooler, where it laid [sic] in a body bag on a floor palette [sic] for days and was badly decayed,…”

  2. …Never after looking at somebody dead in a casket did they look the way I remember them. Funeral homes have an embalmer who interprets their own way…I told my wife, if I go before you, I definitely want closed casket.

  3. Cruise ships do have morgues onboard. People die all the time on cruise ships. Been on a couple of them where someone died right in the hallway on debarkation day. At lest he got to go on a cruise. Friend who is well known in the 4-wheeling community died a month ago on a Carnival cruise – heart attack. It’s a floating city. Family is looking for a cash cow. JMHO.

  4. …But seriously if you’re Christian, the soul has risen to Heaven, there is really no reason to visit the grave. I do understand the psychological reasons why people visit grave sites of their loved ones. But, this is not my belief. You die, you’re either in heaven or hell.

  5. …Kind of along the same line of thinking, you do not need to go to a church to pray. Yes, I do believe that you should attend a church, but you can pray from anywhere at zny time in any place and it will still be as powerful as it would be in a church.

  6. Goldenfoxx AT 9:35 PM

    “The dead only know one thing. It is better to be alive….”
    Attributed to a number of people (Gustav Hasford), but remember it in “Full Metal Jacket.”

    Or if you want to get a little classier, “Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Plato

  7. Whoso thou be that passeth by;
    Where these corps entombed lie:
    Understand what I shall say,
    As at this time speak I may.
    Such as thou art, sometime was I,
    Such as I am, such shalt thou be.


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