Florida Police Chief- “Don’t Arrest Illegals”, Refuses To Work With ICE – IOTW Report

Florida Police Chief- “Don’t Arrest Illegals”, Refuses To Work With ICE

GP – Orange County Sheriff John Mina, who notably bungled the Pulse investigation and is a known Democrat, has instructed his deputies to inform him and get prior permission before detaining illegal immigrants.

According to an internal email, rank-and-file officers were told that they needed to stand down if they encountered a situation involving an illegal immigrant.

“Any ICE/Immigration related calls must be cleared through the chain of command,” stating that officers of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office need to get permission before arresting illegal immigrants who rape and pillage our communities.

Mina who has refused to work with the Trump administration in apprehending violent illegals, is upsetting officers and putting the community at risk, according to former OPD and DEA investigator James Copenhaver. more

1 Comment on Florida Police Chief- “Don’t Arrest Illegals”, Refuses To Work With ICE

  1. I wrote earlier this week about seeing reporting on operations in GITMO. It really made me angry.

    Okay, Mr. Homan, here’s your shot. Put up or shut up about steamrolling those who defy ICE and deportations.

    We apparently have better resources than we’re being told if each one of NINE deportees on that gigantic cargo jet which landed in GITMO this week also had their very own ICE agent. That’s 7 more than was needed to transport NINE criminals.


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