Florida Republican Party Continues The War Against Its Citizens – IOTW Report

Florida Republican Party Continues The War Against Its Citizens

Miami Independent:

In 2023, FL SOS, Cord Byrd, stated, “the paper ballot is the best evidence of the voters’ intent.” Check out the link to X above to see his statement for yourself.

Floridians want their intent to be registered by their cast ballots, as SOS Byrd said. This is not complicated.

The People of Florida want free and fair elections which can be audited for certainty, using the ballots they cast. They have asked repeatedly to vote on paper ballots, watermarked, and hand-counted. NO MACHINES, chain of custody in place.

In return, they got HB 7050 which MANDATED the use of machines and made any citizen canvassing a possible crime.

In truth, the most informed and educated Florida citizens in the election integrity field, have told me that all they really want is for the each county to produce, count and verify its own results. THEN, transmit those totals to the state.

It is not for the state government to call the shots on totals. They are to receive them from the counties, as happens across the country.

The obvious question becomes, if Byrd is correct (and we all know that his statement is true) WHY NOT USE PAPER BALLOTS TO VERIFY/AUDIT RESULTS??

A recent bill, SB1414, submitted by Sen Blaise Ingoglia, F11, ignores the use of paper ballots (unless digitized) in favor of “images” of ballots, in any future election audits. more

2 Comments on Florida Republican Party Continues The War Against Its Citizens

  1. This is very predictable. This is communist mother fuckers infiltrating the MAGA movement. It’s going to get worse. They’ve just exposed themselves in Florida. Whats the best way to manage communists? Shoot them in the face. That’s not a joke.

  2. Every state needs a DOGE, find out who’s crooked.
    USAID or Epstein client?
    They want you to believe they only had one island.
    I’m sure they have other ways to fund their agenda as well.

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