Florida Secretary of State Did the Right Thing Resigning For His Stupid Costume – IOTW Report

Florida Secretary of State Did the Right Thing Resigning For His Stupid Costume

Everyone is reporting that Mike Ertel resigned because it’s been discovered that he wore black face at a halloween party 14 years ago.

I don’t find that to be the dumbest part of his costume.

The idiot had fake boobs and a doo rag with, get this,  “Katrina Victim” written on the shirt, and God knows, being a victim of a hurricane, and the subsequent flooding, is high comedy.

What a jerk. We can do better, good riddance.

How do you perform as secretary of state when you’re laughing about catastrophic natural disasters?

I’m not into destroying lives because of someone’s stupid choices, particularly a civilian, but you can’t have that job and have that optic swirling in the ether.



42 Comments on Florida Secretary of State Did the Right Thing Resigning For His Stupid Costume

  1. I bet he’s responsible for Brenda Snipes keeping her job all these years.
    They both can hold hands and skip into a swamp filled with bitchy alligators for all I care.
    Hey, Desantis, don’t fuck up his replacement.

  2. He’s not only making fun of people in Louisiana, he’s clowning people in his own state, too. What took so long for the picture to appear, anyway?
    Was his ex looking through the photo albums? lol

  3. Over-reaction. He did something stupid 14 years ago, hurting no one. Yes, he offended some people. But I though it was only the SJW progs that hounded people from their jobs because they were offended.

    Edit: …or applaud when it happens.

  4. Nobody said he had to be hounded from his job. He quit. And you know what? He’s an asshole.
    He’s mocking the people he’s representing and supposed to help during disaster. You don’t troll victims from a fresh disaster in your state and your neighboring state. At the very least it’s tacky as hell. Don’t do something that dumb and not expect to be talked about.

  5. I’m not overreacting to the blackface. I really don’t care about blackface.

    Going to a party, trying to get laughs, by making fun of hurricane victims, while holding a political position, is not the right stuff.

    Now add to it that he felt the element that would really sell it was to be black. I guess in his mind that would mitigate the outrage if anyone was offended by making fun of victims. (“Sure, I’m making fun of victims, but did you see what I did? They’re black, so we’re good. Right?)

    Maybe I have it all wrong. But it didn’t work for me.

    He’s out of a job (he quit) and we’re on to replacing him with someone with better judgment.

  6. “don’t care about blackface
    1927 – Al Jolson – The Jazz singer
    1970 – Watermelon Man
    1983 – The A-Team – Halloween Party with 7 blackface white dudes.
    1993 – Ted Danson with Whoopi Goldberg
    In today’s world, just as it was not in 20’s 70’s, 80’s and 90’s
    “while holding a political position, is not the right stuff.”
    Must agree.

  7. What if a guy went to a Halloween party in 2018 with a cowboy hat on with a shirt that said Vegas Massacre Victim on it?

    Say he was black and he wore whiteface.

    Say he was the newly appointed secretary of state of California.

    We wouldn’t be asking if this is the best California could do?

  8. I doubt very seriously that he had the choice to keep his job. I’m as sure as I can be without being in the same room that he was told to resign or he would be fired. The main difference between his situation and many others is that the pressure wan’t applied via social media but instead in private and face-to-face.

    His hurricane victim costume was in unbelievably poor taste. He certainly was an asshole at that party. Has he always been an asshole, or was this an isolated event? Many seem to think he was doing a good job.

  9. …I went to NOLA on business a few momths after Katrina, and THEY seemed to have a sense of humor about it. I particularly liked the T-shirt sporting the New Orleans Police Department logo, with NOPD broken out to say “Not Our Problem, Dawg”, in commemoration of the way the police department evaporated during the crises. A close second was “Willie Nagin and the Chocolate Factory”, with then-Mayor Nagin as Willie Wonka, this one because HIS priority was to assure denizens of NOLA that it would remain a “Chocolate City” (HIS words), meaning Black, as though gentrifiers would take the opportunity of the hurricane to turn his shithole White and throw Black people out. It was easier to go full-retard anti-White racist than to explain his terrible mismanagement of the crisis, I guess.

    Anyway, if THEY could laugh at it, why couldn’t anyone ELSE? Humor is a normal denfese mechanism against being overwhelmed by tragedy, and isn’t always tasteful…

  10. If he didn’t resign I wouldn’t care.
    I’m not dying on this hill.

    Again, blackface? I didn’t care about that.
    Thinking victims of Katrina was a comedic vein worth mining, when he was a politician, not a comedian?
    That shouldn’t be survivable, politically, I don’t think.

  11. Super,
    That comedy was at the expense of the people who dropped the ball, not the victims.

    I will stipulate your point about people needing humor to get through tragedy. But why did he go as a black victim?


    And he was a state official.

    I’m laughing (out loud, by the way) at the total misfire by this dude.
    It would be hard to come up with a worse costume, in terms of public relations.

  12. If you’re a big famous Liberal like Bill Maher you can get drunk and dress up in a more disgusting costume than that and get away with it with no problemo:


    Keep in mind that this was done less than 2 months after Irwin’s death and was widely available for his widow and young children to see in the media. This was a personal insult and as such was much worse than what Ertel did. IMHO.

    Where’s the fake outrage from the eternally offended SJWs for this hurtful stunt?

    Funny…all I heard were crickets.

  13. VV-
    God is my witness I just mentioned that picture when discussing this thread.

    And yes, this was at the very least, right on par in terms of stupidity.
    BUT, he gets to hide behind A: Liberal B: Comedian.

  14. This wasn’t a dude in a bar or some guy from church at halloween. This is a state official. Imagine him running for something a year from now and his opponent throws this in his face? LOL. It was completely a stupid idea. Like, Joe Biden dumb. And why wasn’t he trying to throw Brenda Snipes’ lame ass out?

  15. Here’s my first entry in the “absolute worst costume” contest.

    I’m going to go to the next Halloween party with one of those clever costumes that looks like you are two people, but it’s really just you, and it’s going to look like I’m banging a chick, only she’s going to be wearing a shirt that says “Vegetative State” on it.
    I’m going to go in black face.

    Oh, and I’m the Surgeon General in real life.

  16. …not trying to jutify it @BFH, but Florida was affected by Katrina too, as were many other places, and New Orleans got ALL the attention because of how utterly helpless they were for themselves compared to other places, and because the fakenews set jumped on it instantly to try to defame a (sort of) Republican President as a “rayyyciss”. As ill-concieved as it was, the costume was probably more a demostration of Floridian’s disgust with all the money being sent to NOLA because of this “Black hurricane and racism victim” trope the media was pushing than it was an attack on ACTUAL victims.

    ..I know a bit about Katrina politics in another way, too. I work for an industry that contracts with the Government for certain things, and after Katrina, the Government was eager to say they were helping by patronizing New Orleans. To that end, they bought us and our competitors some very expensive equipment we didn’t ask for or want, because they bought it from a “New Orleans” business. Turned out the business was in Covington LA, on the other side of Lake Pontchartrain from NO, 40 miles away, and little affected by Katrina, but you could kind of see it from there, so close enough, I guess.

    So, while that guy was pretty stupid, at least it was also kind of honest. Rare in a politician, and certainly less expensive to taxpayers than the stupid stuff the Bush administration was doing just so they could say “look at ME, I’M not racist”…

  17. @ MJA – ‘This is a state official’.

    They KNOW this already and could GIVE A SHIT.

    THEY are a protected class of people and Statists don’t cha know?

  18. Why does every guy in drag have big ‘ones’?

    Is that not ‘offensive’ too some that do not? Male female or otherwise? Should be fired on that alone…

  19. …how about if a Muslim illegal alien were to dress up like the President of the United States just a few years after Islam declared war on us by atracking a major American city and a military command installation?


  20. @BFH (at 1:07 am): Before you do that, be sure to post the name of your nearest correctional facility, your mailing address there, and for those close enough, your visiting hours.


  21. @ghost of brig gen j glover (at 1:05 am): As are many of the commenters here, I am old enough not to GAS about the consequences of my future actions. In other words, I’ve lived a full and happy life. So…

    You want mine? Better bring yours.

  22. He was dumb to resign. A real P*SSY.
    Most here don’t seem to get the “tragedy” humor here.
    A natural disaster – a hurricane – is NOT the same as a mass murderer.

    And yes, making fun of the looters IS funny.
    Like a few above said, most here seem to be reacting like Leftists being *outraged* at what the Right does.
    Straight outta the handwringing RINO handbook.
    Well F*CK that.

  23. I was in N.O. 8 hours after Katrina passed.
    We were on the north shore near Mandeville
    on I-12 bypass.We got there about midnight
    coming out of Houston.Parked our trucks at
    a gas station that had been smashed in by
    several 36″ monster pine trees.I took 2 shots
    of Jim Beam and looked into the sky and said
    “I bet I will never see the milky way over N.O.
    again in my life time”… After about an hour of
    fitful semi-sleep we went in.I will never forget
    the people walking around aimlessly,in shock and
    disbelief.After the 4th day the sickly sweet smell of dead people
    is something you will NEVER forget.There is absolutely
    nothing ‘funny’ about a hurricane or flooding.

  24. The *only* legitimate reason I can see him resigning is
    as a courtesy to DeSantis to eliminate any opening
    for Leftist “distractions” to DeSantis’ Administration
    (which is already starting off gangbusters).

  25. I think the joke about Katrina was that many blacks during the storm were completely dependent on the government to save them. Instead of being proactive like we normally see during and after these storms {think the Cajun Navy} these people needlessly drowned because they did nothing to save themselves. It was pathetic to see.

  26. I want to keep winning elections in Florida.

    I could just see the political ads –
    (Said in the worst whiny voice)

    “And DeSantis did nothing when it was revealed his Secretary of State dressed in racist blackface and laughed at the black victims of Katrina.”

    You just can’t survive, politically, with what he did.
    I’m dealing with reality, not a bleeding heart or squishy RINOism.
    DeSantis won by, what, 10 votes. lol.

    We want to gain votes, not lose them.


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