Florida Sheriff Annoyed Killer Didn’t Give His Department The Opportunity For A Tax-Payer Saving Finale – IOTW Report

Florida Sheriff Annoyed Killer Didn’t Give His Department The Opportunity For A Tax-Payer Saving Finale

Washington Examiner

Police heard gunshots early on Sunday morning and found a truck that was on fire and glow sticks creating a path. Police followed the path and found a man wearing camouflage and full body armor. The man retreated into a house, where authorities could hear more gunshots, a woman screaming, and a baby whimpering.

A shootout between the police and the shooter followed, forcing the shooter to retreat into the home. He eventually surrendered, unarmed, to the police.

“It would have been nice if he would have come out with a gun,” Judd said in a news conference . “We would have shot him up a lot. But he didn’t because he was a coward. When someone chooses to give up, we take them into custody peacefully.”

Judd revealed the shooter was named Bryan Riley. Riley, 33, is a former Marine sharpshooter and served in Iraq in 2008 and Afghanistan in 2009. More

11 Comments on Florida Sheriff Annoyed Killer Didn’t Give His Department The Opportunity For A Tax-Payer Saving Finale

  1. “It would have been nice if he would have come out with a gun,” Judd said in a news conference. “We would have shot him up a lot. But he didn’t because he was a coward”

    I fully support this comment.

  2. In 2006 a dude killed a Polk county deputy and when they caught up with him he was shot 68 times. The press asked why he was shot so much Grady answered “That’s all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more”. Im happy to say we have several more sheriffs like Grady.

  3. Judd is the next county or two over. He seems to be pretty based but last week he was begging people to get vaccinated. So he’s not particularly bright or he’s a coward.

  4. Sheriff Grady Judd gives some of the most entertaining press conferences we’ve ever seen. Check him out at youtube. Bad people get called out for all they deserve. We see him via First Coast News.


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