Florida Woman busted for striking ex with soggy bread – IOTW Report

Florida Woman busted for striking ex with soggy bread

She could not explain the wet bread in the garbage can of the kitchen.

20 Comments on Florida Woman busted for striking ex with soggy bread

  1. “Following her collar, a judge ordered Neeley to have no contact with the victim and to surrender any firearms, weapons, or ammunition she possessed.”

    The report goes on to say that, among other items, she had to give up her explosive yeast, deadly rolling pins, pizza cutters, serrated bread knives and oversized frosting guns. (Oh great. All she can make now is cookies!)

  2. Wow. That’s a tempest in a teapot.
    A whole lot of nothing wasting everyone’s time.

    This puke called the cops because he got hit with soggy bread?
    What kind of guy does that?
    If my wife had ever hit me with soggy bread I’da laughed at her.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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