Florida’s Andrew Gillum’s Comments On Law Enforcement Are ‘Disgusting’ And A ‘Disgrace,’ Says Florida County Sheriff – IOTW Report

Florida’s Andrew Gillum’s Comments On Law Enforcement Are ‘Disgusting’ And A ‘Disgrace,’ Says Florida County Sheriff

DC: Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey called out Florida’s Democratic nominee for governor, Andrew Gillum, on “Fox & Friends Saturday” for his “disgusting” comments about law enforcement.

“Andrew Gillum has no idea what it takes to serve as a law enforcement officer,” Ivey said.

“As such his comments about law enforcement officers and those that wear our badge, they’re a disgrace. They’re disgusting.”

Gillum appeared on the “Pod Save America” podcast Wednesday” and said “At the time that a law enforcement official has to go to a weapon, to a gun, to a baton, to a taser, they have already had to go too far.”

“The men and women of law enforcement put their lives on the line everyday to protect themselves, our citizens. And for him to say that if they go and take a tool off their belt to protect themselves or one of our community, they’ve gone too far — I personally think it’s him going too far with his anti-cop rhetoric and his anti-cop mentality,” Ivey continued.

“You don’t have to look too far to see where that’s gotten the people in Tallahassee and certainly where it would bleed over into the state.”  more here

9 Comments on Florida’s Andrew Gillum’s Comments On Law Enforcement Are ‘Disgusting’ And A ‘Disgrace,’ Says Florida County Sheriff

  1. This repugnant scumbag has run his entire campaign on exaggerated racial grievances. The more that comes to the surface about him the louder he screeches about it.


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