Flotsam – IOTW Report


Don’t be fooled by the uploader’s screen name and sarcastic blurb. They are one of us.

12 Comments on Flotsam

  1. He did the right thing. Just keep rolling somewhat slowly. They’ll get out of the way. In a liberal bastion like Portland, he’d be up for murder even though it was obviously justified.

  2. EBT, free Obama phones, Medicare and Welfare continues to display worthless F’ Trash that will never evolve,,,. Was this filmed in South Africa with real Neo Nazis? My Bad, Portland USA. After viewing, free tickets to Johannesburg would be a less costly better funded program. Thanks Democrats!

  3. This is why I am very happy and content to live in rural flyover country.

    I dont have to deal with stop lights and this bullshit.

    It keeps me out of jail as I’d want to hurt these people.

  4. Pack mentality.You get 3 or more of those
    Obungo leeches together screaming,yelling,
    going ape shit and in a violent rage and you
    are going to get ATTACKED & possibly KILLED !
    I have witnessed a mob of these leeches.
    Don’t feed the animals…

  5. They think they are the defenders of democracy.

    Ask Nancy Pelosi to condemn Antifa and then make a GOP campaign ad from her halting, hesitant, forked- tongue gibberish answer.


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