FLOTUS Melania Trump Rushed to Hospital For Emergency Kidney Surgery – IOTW Report

FLOTUS Melania Trump Rushed to Hospital For Emergency Kidney Surgery

Daily Caller-

First Lady Melania Trump underwent emergency kidney surgery Monday for a benign condition.

She will reportedly remain at the hospital for the remainder of the week, her office announced in a statement.




29 Comments on FLOTUS Melania Trump Rushed to Hospital For Emergency Kidney Surgery

  1. And don’t forget, shep was to the rescue to report it on fox news – had to turn the channel to the ‘murder porn’ (Investigative Discovery) – they went on and on about it – explaining the female parts – really fox news? I got embarrassed.

  2. Get well soon, Mrs Trump, and thank you for being an inspiring First Lady.

    @Vietvet, Dirty Harry Reid has pancreatic cancer?
    Wow…those must have been some badass “home gym exercise bands”.

  3. Get well soon everyone, including Lady Gun. Well, I didn’t mean Harry Reid.

    I get the feeling that Melania will come back home with a few soldiers she befriends at Walter Reed. Seems like that kind of person.

  4. @LadyGun12 — Did you have the robotic or conventional surgery? Had mine out a few years ago, too. The symptomatic pain was amazing.

    Wishing you and FLOTUS a full and speedy recovery.

    Truth be told, (and it’s sad, really) the only time we get waited on, hand and foot, is when we’re laid up. Melania may not want to stay in the hospital for the rest of the week, but it’s probably the first real pause she’s had for going on four years! I’d stay there, too.

  5. LadyGun12, my mom had that surgery and they took video of it on VCR and gave it to us. Thing is, they forgot to erase the tape all the way and it still had the audio track of a soap opera with the video of the surgery. “Oh Marsha!” “Oh John!” while they’re snipping and cauterizing. LOL My mom would never watch it for some reason…

    Hope there are no complications for you. Mom came home that same morning. In fact, she demanded I take her to a restaurant because she hadn’t had anything to eat for several days. 😉

  6. @LadyGun12: Now that you’re out of the woods I can tell you that I was one of the 1% who had complications during gallbladder surgery. The clip came off the bile duct and it pumped my abdominal cavity full of liver bile. Damn near killed me before they found out what was wrong and threw me back in the Krankenhaus for the next 10 days to fix things. The pain level was off the charts.

    Other than that, everything went fine.


  7. MJA – I don’t know about Tucker Carlson, but I have known people that had kidney stones. One woman I know said the pain was worse than childbirth.

  8. It’s not worse than childbirth. Even the Bible says it’s the worse pain one can endure & was put on woman as a punishment to remind woman to honor God & her husband.
    That being said,passing gall or kidney stones is excruciating pain


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