Flustered Under the Pressure of DocuGate, WH Press Secretary Tries Passing the Buck – IOTW Report

Flustered Under the Pressure of DocuGate, WH Press Secretary Tries Passing the Buck

Red State

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre hasn’t been very good at answering questions about Joe Biden’s classified documents scandal. Indeed, she’s been positively awful in response, getting called out by reporters now repeated for lack of transparency and telling them false things. As I reported on Tuesday, Jean-Pierre cracked after not being able to keep the story straight.

On Wednesday, she finally realized that it was a losing cause and tried to tell the reporters that they had to ask either the Department of Justice or the White House Counsel’s office. Misdirection

9 Comments on Flustered Under the Pressure of DocuGate, WH Press Secretary Tries Passing the Buck

  1. The “token” can’t handle the job!
    This is what happens when you hire some based upon their sex, race &/or sexuel preference or even worse all three like her.

  2. STOP ATTENDING! They refuse to answer.

    Perhaps reporters need start doing the ground work instead of waiting for anything resembling the truth from the White House! They tell you lies and like baby birds, make the most noise hoping to catch a morsel of transparency.

    Joey the horn dog spells ‘transparency’ this way: obfuscate.

  3. Remember how Biden spent all of 5 minutes at the Border and confused the Salvation Army for the Secret Service.

    Biden did not provide one idea or dollar for Border States but yet now he is in California ready to give Billions to San Fransico Wineries and Coastel Silicon Dock Spaces up and down the Coastal Owners.

    Where’s Nancy?


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