Fly Me To the Moon – IOTW Report

Fly Me To the Moon

Polish guitarist is very “polished”

15 Comments on Fly Me To the Moon

  1. 6 seconds.

    STOP FINGER BANGIN’ THE DAMN GIT FIDDLE. It’s been done so many fuggin times any song with it in it….is a whore.

    See, cause’ whores get done a lot….

    And they get finger banged.

    So what I’m sayin’ is……. if you finger bang your guitar all the time….

    It’s a whore.

    In loving tribute to Norm Macdonald.

  2. You know Django Reinhardt was quite the accomplished guitarist. He played in Paris in the 20’s and 30’s. Frenchman.

    Not only was Django Reinhardt the accomplished French guitarist burdened with being French, he had another handicap. Not like being French was enough.

    No, the other handicap French guitarist of accomplishment had….his name was Django Reinhardt by the way. Which seems like it’s own burden. No, besides being French he had only three fingers. No, that’s not true, he had seven fingers. But only three of them were on one hand. And that hand was the one he mostly played the guitar with. See, you actually use two hands to play the guitar, but one hand……is kinda more important.

    And that hand was the one French Guitarist of noted accomplishment used to play this.

    Without fingerbanging his guitar like a whore.

    You know, probably the most interesting fact about the accomplished three fingered musician of French…ness… Ol’ Django Reinhardt… is that he actually had all of his fingers.

    See…..what happened was…….

    He burnt his hand. Probably in a fire. And it was the tendons he lost in two of his fingers. Well, mostly one of them. You don’t use the pinky as much you think playing guitar….. but the other one, the non f you finger. That one mostly didn’t work.

    So it was mostly lies,probably for publicity. But the guy was a dirty French liar so what can you expect?

    Nah, he’s a good guy.

  3. Remembering the life of a Romani Gypsy born in Liberchies, Belgium on this date… 01/23/1910. Soon after his birth his father moved them to HIS native France where the boy grew up in Gypsy encampments that traveled mostly around the outskirts of Paris. Gypsies had a reputation as tramps and thieves, something they seemed rather proud of, so either getting propositioned, threatened or chased out of town was also a way of life for this tribe.

    His father (Jean Weiss) was a pianist that played in a family band with his seven siblings. The boy naturally took a liking to music and first took up the violin. At around twelve years old he was given a guitar that he quickly became proficient with. By the time he was seventeen his playing was drawing attention throughout the European continent. Sometime around 1928 British bandleader Jack Hylton offered him a job provided he’d move to England.

    But right after the offer, tragedy struck. The wagon (remember that Gypsy thing?) he and his wife lived in caught fire and although they both escaped with their lives he suffered burns over forty percent of his body. The fire left his left arm and hand seriously disfigured and only the use of his middle and index finger remained. The fire also resulted in his left leg being paralyzed. He taught himself to play the guitar using only the two remaining functional fingers. Playing with this ‘handicap’ gave his playing a style and sound none have ever been able to mirror. Along the way he developed a strong liking for American Jazz and met violinist Stephane Grappelli who shared the same musical interests. From 1934 until ’39 Stephane and the hero of our story… ‘Django Reinhardt’… along with his younger brother Joseph and Roger Chaput on guitars, and Louis Vola on bass formed The Hot Club Band Of Paris… also the name of the club they co-owned.

    When WWII broke out Django was playing in England but returned to Paris, while the rest of his band remained in England for the duration of the war. He managed to survive the Nazi’s purge of most of the Gypsy population in Europe through his guitar playing skills in Paris clubs and a Jazz loving unnamed Nazi Luftwaffe officer who provided cover for him when necessary.

    At the end of the war he rejoined Stephane and formed a new band that toured the US and the world extensively. He recorded with some of America’s Jazz greats.

    A few years into the post war period Django also developed a reputation of being extremely unreliable regarding showing up for gigs and playing what was expected when he got there. In 1951 Django retired and moved back to Fontainebleau, France where he still put in an occasional appearance at local clubs. On May 16, 1953 he suffered a brain hemorrhage and was DOA at a local hospital. He was only 43 years old.

  4. Poland and her people kick ass!
    I spent three weeks in Poland in 2021. It was amazing!
    I saw a culture that remembers her history and embraces her heroes.
    I would love to return and spend time exploring.

  5. Ya know, somebody should post a short biography about the life of Django Reinhardt, the dirty French liar.

    I heard he only had three fingers…..the gypsies stole all the other ones I guess.

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