Flying Car Seen In Milwaukee: Driver Survives Unscheduled Exit Off Freeway Ramp – IOTW Report

Flying Car Seen In Milwaukee: Driver Survives Unscheduled Exit Off Freeway Ramp

A driver is lucky to be alive after he skidded off an interchange ramp and plunged 70 feet to the highway below.

The crash happened Saturday morning on I-94 at the Zoo Interchange.

It was captured on Wisconsin Department of Transportation camera video. More

35 Comments on Flying Car Seen In Milwaukee: Driver Survives Unscheduled Exit Off Freeway Ramp

  1. Totally off topic.

    Picking up a windshield in town. See an OLD lady hobbling along. Do my good deed, escort her across street. Hell I walked her to her medical appointment, only 50 yards across street. Felt pretty good.

    Get to her “doctors” office. IT’S A RECREATIONAL DOPE DISPENSARY!!!

    Fuck. If I had know that, I would have mugged her. Probably had a wad of cash for her cats and marijuana.

    It’s a differnt worl’, kids.

  2. ????? I’m an old chollo Joe. Weed comes in fat bomber joints or I don’t know what the hell it is.

    Maybe she did need it. She was old and really leaning on muh arm to cross the street.

    I was just…surprised? Shocked? I dunno’, was kinda’ expecting to walk over to a hip replacement center or something.

    Anyway, if anybody needs weed, I can apparently get you some legal stuff….next time I need to pick up a windshield.

    The whole thing was weird.

  3. Oh I can see now…

    :Saint Peter: “I see you helped an old lady across the street….TO THE WEED STORE!?!?!”

    :pulls lever, Burr falls through clouds and down into the warmer regions of the earth.:

  4. Burr, that would be weird as hell. Help an old lady to get her fix. Those CBD bath bombs come with CBD only or with a CBD / THC mix. My wife prefers the CBD only, her drug days are past too.

  5. The dispensary was low key. I didn’t even know it was there and I’ve picked up windshields before.

    It had discrete paper signs on the front door that listed….um

    everything? CBD oil…edibles…wax…something called shatter..I just turned and left. Not because I’m a prude. But because I felt like an idiot. I don’t know what all this new crap is.

    I was able to regain my equilibrium later as I stood behind some hippie lady doing math in her head at McDonalds as she tried to buy ONE chicken McNugget for .79 cents.

    Normalcy. Well, it seemed more normal than escorting someones abulita to the dope store.

  6. Remember that movie, “What About Bob” and the sailing scene? I just kept thinking the driver was going, “I’m flying!” as he plummeted to Earth.

    I think I’ll pass on the flying cars for a while.

    Still. They DID promise us flying cars!

  7. @ Aaron Burr

    I get it, weird.

    Just remember that compared to what scrip Opioids did for 20 years all over the world, this could never approach the level of carnage.

    A personal friend of mine was a chief of police on 3 very large Canadian forced and he totally changed his mind especially on the breeds that manage pain & help cancer patients develop appetites. He was and is a real anti crime hard ass and really believes it has benefits.

    I prefer Kentucky Straight.

  8. @Aaron Burr – You have me in…tears. Only because we all know how a good Catholic boy, with a good heart…

    But, you need to get up to ‘speed’ son…even though herb is a depressant, technically classified that is.

    Did you check for your wallet!?

    @C – one of the greatest modern comedies EVER! Don’t get me going…baby steps…

  9. I just need to admit that since moving to Titmouse Arizona popular culture has passed me by.

    I’m neither for nor against dope. Personally, it makes me sleepy and sludgy. Although Kenny smokes hash and then frames houses (hilarious to watch, like he just drank coffee) to each his or her own I guess.

    This thread has the second mention on this site of CBD bath oil bombs or whatever. I should probably look into that as I ache just like everyone else.

    But I won’t because I guess I’m stubborn and old fashioned in some regards.

  10. Claudia, I’ve watched that a couple times. It’s funny. I have a brother that is Bob, but he never married the shrinks sister. Among his problems is he’s gay, so what will be the sequel to What About Bob. The title could be “What About Bob, and Bob”?

  11. Buddy of mine was coming home from elk hunting about midnight up by the Canadian border and was following a compact car that was weaving it’s way south between Federal Way and Fife WA.

    It sped up and went into the median for an eighth mile or so and then the taillights disappeared.

    Buddy stopped and looked across the underpass and on the far side small car was spread eagle with all four wheels splayed out. Got his flashlight and climbed down, crossed the road and half way up and there was a half black guy behind the wheel sitting there wondering what planet he was on.

    Buddy helped him out and delivered him home. Guy was a University of Washington student and was studying for a couple days straight before heading home to his folks house in Tacoma.

    It was a hell of a flight across a four lane road at about 90 mph and he missed the whole thing.

  12. Aaron — Jeeze! After last night’s convo about praying for people who don’t deserve it and loving our enemies, etc., your little sidelight just has me shaking my head. I can see it now. There’s Aaron, taking to heart all that was tossed back and forth, and along comes a little old lady for him to practice his “love thy neighbor” stuff on and it turns out she was headed for the pot shop. I’m gonna start calling you Clarence (Angel, Second Class).

    Keep fishing and keep doing good, dearest Aaron.

  13. I know what it was Abby. I figure the Good Lord (who in my mind looks like a bigger, more creamy James Brown) looked down, saw my self congratulations and said “PLOT TWIST! HIT ME!”

    Yes Lord, you had me shook. Well played old chap.

  14. Aaron did she have john lennon glasses and flowers in her hair? I used to track those girls down like a blood hound . . .

    But I knew (I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew)
    She had made me happy (happy, happy)
    Flowers in her hair, flowers everywhere
    I love the flower girl
    Oh, I dont know just why
    She simply caught my eye
    I love the flower girl she seemed so sweet and kind
    She crept into my mind

  15. ….no…she was an old lady. White orthopedic sneakers, highwater polyester slacks, floral print shirt, white sweater, shoulder shawl thing..death goggles, (tinted) floral print scarf covering her white hair…I could have reached down and put and my hand on her head and flattened her down like a cartoon accordion she was so frail.

    I guess I scared her, she looked at me and said “well, I wont have any trouble remembering what YOU look like.” I just smiled and offered her muh elbow to hold on to.

    We got to the dispensary and the fat fried chicken eatin’ fuck who works security immediately started growling at me. I I did too. I won. Even got him to promise he would help the lil’ lady inside.

    I don’t know why so many people hire fat fried chicken eatin’ fucks as security. In the wild, we’re natural enemies. The’re just fat guys. No way any of them are gonna catch me.

    But I digress…

  16. @Aaron Burr and Abigail Adams – there is getting snowed in, a dopey selfish jerk, and then there IS getting to the new head shop. She may even had set up an appointment these daze.

    She had her priorities in order…unlike that ungrateful misfit PUPPET that got snowed in.

  17. I’m just gonna’ forget the whole thing and go back to trying to get people to pray for the return of meat eating dinosaurs.

    sigh, yes, because I want to eat one. But also yes, I want them big enough to put saddles on and race them.


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