Flynn legal team appeal requests case dismissal and removal of Judge Sullivan from case – IOTW Report

Flynn legal team appeal requests case dismissal and removal of Judge Sullivan from case

Just The News-Attorneys for former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn on Tuesday asked a federal appeals court to force a district court to dismiss the case, as the Justice Department has requested.

The petition also asks that the judge, Emmet Sullivan, be removed from Flynn’s case and that his U.S. District Court for the District of Columbiavacate his order to appoint former federal judge John Gleeson to argue against the dismissal of Flynn’s case and discuss whether the retired lieutenant general deserves to face contempt for perjury. more

7 Comments on Flynn legal team appeal requests case dismissal and removal of Judge Sullivan from case

  1. After 24 years of bush/clinton/bush/obama, our country is in the toilet. Every institution is corrupt.

    Sullivan is a corrupt douchebag, fitting of a clinton appointee.

  2. Finally, an adult in the room. Everybody else seemed content to let this asshole judge do as he pleased. Best of luck, Ms. Powell. The law is with you, even if the quivering government law blobs are not.

  3. Removed from the case? How about removed from the courtroom?! Strip him nekkid starting with his black robe and then everything else underneath. Make him stand out front for an hour with an umbrella and some dude playing sad trombone every 5 seconds. He can use the umbrella however he wishes.

    Then send him packing.

  4. If Sullivan had any sense of honor, he’d kill himself.
    But it’s obvious he has none – no one should ever call him “your honor” again.
    He should be referred to as “your judgeship” or “praetor” with a deep bow.

    Fuck this scum bag.

    izlamo delenda est …


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