Flynn’s Lawyer Just Says It – “Obama Played Role in Flynn Entrapment” – IOTW Report

Flynn’s Lawyer Just Says It – “Obama Played Role in Flynn Entrapment”


Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, spoke in no uncertain terms Sunday in an interview with Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo about former President Obama’s role in the effort to entrap the former national security adviser.

The Department of Justice dropped the case against Flynn last week after documents showed the FBI plotted to entrap him on perjury charges.

Powell explained the FBI agents made it appear to Flynn that the meeting was informal, giving him no impression that his responses could later be used against him.

“These agents specifically schemed and planned with each other how to not tip him off that he was even the person being investigated,” she said. “In fact, according to Comey’s testimony that’s attached to the exhibits they filed in the motion to dismiss, they just simply said, we’d like to send a couple agents by to talk to you.

“And, of course, General Flynn said sure. And he saw them as allies. They encouraged him to stay that way,” she continued. “They deliberately did not tell him about 1001 [the statute that makes it a federal felony to lie to agents] because they didn’t want to trigger the slightest suspicion in his mind that he was being investigated or should be concerned about anything.”

“Well, the day before, Comey had found and McCabe had found the transcripts of Flynn’s call with Kislyak. And he briefed Clapper on it immediately. Clapper then immediately went and briefed President Obama on it,” Powell said. “Then they have the Oval Office meeting on the 5th. Comey admits in his testimony that the FBI are the people that unmasked General Flynn, our people, whatever that means. And at the meeting on the 5th, Sally Yates was stunned because Obama mentions to her out of the blue about the call and the transcript of the call. She knew nothing about it, because Comey hadn’t briefed DOJ [about Kislyak].”


13 Comments on Flynn’s Lawyer Just Says It – “Obama Played Role in Flynn Entrapment”

  1. Obumbles “Micro-managed” the whole Flynn entrapment, just like he “Micro-managed” everything else while he served as “Squatter – In – Chief”.

  2. I sincerely hope that Flynn sues the living crap out of his previous incompetent lawyers who obviously did not represent him well and were more interested in bleeding him dry rather than representing him.

    His current lawyer has more balls than a democrat “male”!

  3. A single DNA test between Frank Marshall Davis’s existing chill’uns and Barry could unfold the whole diorama…..C’mon, ya know a tossed coffee cup or cigarette butt can be had by most any decent PI or a secret service agent with a spine and a concern for AMERICA…..


  4. From what I’ve seen, Bathhouse Barry isn’t smart enough to come up with a scam like this, but his Iranian whore chief of staff is. Waterboard that cow first.

  5. Apologies if this was already pointed out in an earlier thread.

    In the ‘Private Phone Call’ didn’t Obama, a LAWYER, make statements about someone convicted of “perjury”?

    Who would that be?

    General Flynn was not convicted of perjury, let alone charged with it.

    That netflix private phone call with 3,000+ internet accounts is a forensic text book case for Contact Tracing of an entire Minion Hive.

  6. I did find a fairly complete explanation of two things that Sydney Powell talks about in her case to the judge: Exculpatory and Brady evidence.

    A quick perusal of the linked page focuses on what the prosecutors must do, but I didn’t see what could happen if the defendant’s own defense must do. My hope is that since it was Flynnn’s own legal defense who withheld information, that collusion with gov’t prosecutors and intent (the bar for intent is much lower to begin with), are crystal clear, obvious.

    My other prayer is that Durham and Barr execute the letter and the spirit of the law flawlessly. In listening to Powell’s Hillsdale speech (I think it was during the Q&A), she emphasized her own trust of Barr and said that he is, above all else, faithful to executing the law regardless of any other influence (tacitly saying that Barr does not consider politics or political pressure).

  7. Of course, Obama’s a criminal.

    All the maneuvers and strategy he knows
    he learned at the knee of Saul Alinsky.

    Saul learned everything he knew
    at the knee of Frank Nitti.

    All three were steeped in
    Chicago culture.


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