Follow Me on the New Conservative Twitter —>>>> GAB – IOTW Report

Follow Me on the New Conservative Twitter —>>>> GAB

Never again get thrown in the gulag because you said something the lefty owners didn’t approve of —>

Sign Up. It’s Free. No personal information needed.

Then you can follow me and I’ll follow you, and we’ll take a few steps towards managing our own social media, one with freedom of expression.

41 Comments on Follow Me on the New Conservative Twitter —>>>> GAB

  1. Ok, I had cloudfare blocked, fixed that. Now I have 106,522 in line ahead of me?

    Could be a problem if I have to wait for them to email me at that email address, though.

    I’m all for it, especially if it’s prog-free.

  2. Received this email:
    Thank you for registering for Gab! Our mission is to put people first and promote free speech and expression. All are welcome on Gab, and always will be.

    Currently Gab is in beta, it may take up to two weeks to receive your invitation due to high demand from around the world.

    Please review our community guidelines.

    Thank you 🐸👍

  3. Why force membership? It will limit exposure of whatever’s there to read. Seems better to emulate twits ability to read posts without having to join. Easier to reach the masses with your message.

    Membership only is tantamount to hiding it.

  4. I’ve been sitting on the email confirmation for about three weeks. Naturally, I had to wait until the computer zeroed itself out – that’s how unattractive the Twitter concept had become because of progs. I’m in now & will give it a whirl.

  5. I don’t understand the delay. Do they try to vet all the email addresses? Good luck with mine, lol. I sure hope they don’t farm out the sign up work to a company in the Philippines like my phone company does with all their service calls. That would explain the long delay, though.

  6. My guess is that the long waiting list and activation delay is a system capacity issue. If this is still classified as Beta, then I can accept that as long as before too long they start activating us at a high rate. Servers and content distro cost money: I wonder what their business model is?

  7. I just read their Community Guidelines (I got the email). They could do a better job explaining their “illegal pornography” taboo. I have no intention of posting any kind of porn but there are some countries that make illegal all kinds of things that are acceptable in most of the world. An example would be Goya’s La Maja Desnuda. I should label that NSFW as it is a nude woman, but it is also a very famous painting by a very famous artist.

    By saying simply that they won’t tolerate ANY illegal porn, are they implying illegal ANYWHERE? I’m not particularly irked by this lack of specificity, but seeing as they are promoting themselves as an un-censored facility, I’d like to see more detail about the censorship that they do impose.

  8. Well, that was a bit faster than I expected! I’m in but this is the first social media thingamabob I’ve ever played with and I have no idea how to do anything AND THERE’S NO HELP OR FAQ at least using a PC browser to access this thing.

  9. @Claudia – I’m in as of a few hours after being # 106,641. I don’t know what I’m doing except I did find that under Settings you can upload two pics. The Profile picture is a small round thing and your fox will work perfectly. The Cover picture shows up large but it is curiously high aspect ratio, maybe as much as 5:2 so choose accordingly. I’m on as, surprise!, Uncle Al

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