Follow the Bouncing Ball… of Idiocy – IOTW Report

Follow the Bouncing Ball… of Idiocy

Sexual abuse of women–> wrong.
Bad things been happening to women in Hollywood for decades.
Trump’s election proves women are held in contempt and that they don’t matter.
Women are empowered to speak up about abuse because of Trump’s election.
So, if Hillary had been elected they would have kept quiet?
(OK, I’m extrapolating here but this then would mean that the abuse would still continue and be accepted/tolerated, right?) – WiscoDave

16 Comments on Follow the Bouncing Ball… of Idiocy

  1. Agree with Thirdtwin.

    And if Trump’s election is helping to bring abuse to light, regardless of the stupid reasoning, then I hope that something good comes of it. I am still extremely skeptical that any good will come of it though.

  2. Well she doesn’t know how accurate she is … No doubt Weinstein would still be living life abusing women if HRC won. And HRC has a long history of making sure women her husband abused stayed quiet or were completely destroyed if they dared to speak out.

  3. @Thirdtwin October 30, 2017 at 10:42 am

    > Where is Hillary’s #metoo?

    Are you implying that nobody would try sexually anythinging Hillary? Coz that’s nasty. I mean deplorable. Well, you know what I mean, not what I say.

  4. We have entered a land where the veracity of a statement matters less than the sound of the statement.
    If the statement strikes the right emotive notes, and has good syllable cadence, and best of all, has a ring to it; it has no need to be correct, true, plausible or make any sense at all.

  5. Amber Tamblyn was great in “The Unusual’s” with Jeremy Renner. Got her start in Joan of Arcadia. Been really disappointed in her since she got tattooed. And she’s really packed on the pounds.

  6. I saw a post on FB of an article in HuffPo listing women who have claimed they were abused by Trump going back to 1991. Funny how in this current atmosphere no other source has gone with those accusations.

    I do see a problem though. It is now to the point that feminists have gotten their mojo back: all someone has to do is make an allegation and the man gets his life ruined. No evidence, no chance to confront his accusers. He is toast.

    Funny thing is that with these liberal men, “everybody knew about it” for years. A conservative man it can come out of left field and the accusations are just as damaging.

  7. How is this person an actress? She is pudgy and looks middle aged at 34. She looks as though she would smell of unwashed hair and pee. Ain’t nobody tryna sexually harass THAT.

  8. @RadioMattM October 30, 2017 at 1:06 pm

    Let me know when it’s settled science that we’re all rapists. Born that way. So I can get back to work. Once everything is normal.

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