Follow the Leader – IOTW Report

27 Comments on Follow the Leader

  1. Lol, taking the strip isn’t what it used to be. I saw some fucked up shit while I was down there. And the biggest shocker was the racist blacks I randomly encountered.

  2. Hey, my life matters so I’m gunna go lay in the middle of the road with my kid. To make it matter more, maybe I’ll drink a gallon of Mad Dog 40/40 and go tightrope walking. Ohoh! I know, just inject me with cyanide because my life totally matters.

  3. Cripes! This is following the pattern of the so-called “Occupy” thing, where it is non-stop, wall-to-wall ‘protest’ marches disrupting cities across the country by a very small group of people. It has to stop!

  4. The media is always calling these BLM inconveniencing-and-inciting-violence-gatherings “peaceful protests”. Kind if reminiscent of “religion of peeace”. Huh.

    I would interested to know how many of these “peaceful protests” (PPs) are given permits through the proper channels. Hahahaha!

  5. These protestors blocking the roads should be arrested, then all forms of gubmint “gibs me dat” should be cut off. No more Section 8, EBT, WIC, AFDC, etc., etc.

    Aren’t all of these welfare programs a form of extortion to prevent this kind of behavior? If the North American Pavement Apes are gonna riot anyway, stop paying them.

    Maybe, if they had to work for a living, they wouldn’t have the time and energy for all of this “protesting”.

  6. Reminds me of the original Death Race 2000, with David Carradine. If these clowns were keeping me from getting to work or getting home from work on time, I would have plowed through them without slowing down. They may have a right to protest, but I don’t give a shit about some nigger who got a case of deader ‘n shit, because he didn’t know how to follow a police officers’ instructions. So protest on the sidewalk or in a park, keep your black ass out of the street or get run over.

  7. @JMV – An even better movie match is Safari 3000 with not only David Carradine, but also Christopher Lee, Stockard Channing, and Hamilton Camp. The scene with baboons on the road (complete with song!) is highly appropriate for BLM “peaceful” demonstrations.

  8. @ RDM – Exactly what my liberal acquaintances have been telling for years, “Pay ’em off so they won’t steal from us, kill us or cause any trouble. Because they’re too stupid to earn it like we do.”

  9. Don’t even think about surrounding my car like that. That kind of monkey bullshit is threatening my life, and plowing through, or over some sonsofbitches would be self defense.

  10. Sounds like you haven’t spent much time on a farm Burner.
    Plowing went on for thousands of years before someone got the goofy idea of referring to pushing or grading snow as “plowing”.

  11. @JMV

    I so wanted to thumb your comment up, but you stupidly called out “niggers”. I felt the exact same way about OWS, and it had not a single fucking to do with them being rich spoiled “crackers”.

    Stop with the stupid!!!! Please????

  12. Menderman,

    The protest was held because of the NIGGER(s) who were killed by police in LA and MN, and the protest was held by BLM. Therefore, NIGGERS! Although, I will accept that there were probably many idiot DWLs in attendance. And as I have been forced to deal with NIGGERS for my entire life, and especially throughout my adult life, I reserve the right to call a NIGGER a NIGGER, and BLM is mostly NIGGERS clinging to the lie that Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin were murdered for no reason other than they were black. They were both behaving like NIGGERS, therefore they get the NIGGER label, and NIGGER treatment.

    If blacks can call myself and other whites things like cracker, ofay, grayboy, white boy, etc, then I can for goddamn sure use the term NIGGER. Got a problem with that? Too phuqing bad.

    If you don’t like stupidity, then you should educate yourself.

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