Follow the Money – IOTW Report

Follow the Money


Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016

Employees of a hedge fund founded by the king of the Institutional Left, billionaire and Democratic Party mega-donor George Soros, donated tens of thousands of dollars to top Republicans who fought against President Donald Trump in 2016, donation records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show.

Soros Fund Management, a former hedge fund that serves now as an investment management firm, was founded by progressive billionaire George Soros in 1969. It has risen to become one of the most profitable hedge funds in the industry. Employees of the firm are heavily involved in backing political candidates giving millions upon millions to groups that were supporting failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton for the presidency.

But more importantly, perhaps, than the unsurprising giant lump sums of cash funneled into Democratic Party and Clinton coffers is the revelation thanks to the Center for Responsive Politics that employees of the Soros firm—now run by his son Robert Soros—pumped tens of thousands of dollars into the campaigns of top anti-Trump Republicans over the course of 2016.

In total, executives with the Soros-founded company pushed $36,800 into the coffers of these GOP candidates just this past cycle. That does not include Super PACs or campaign committees, which saw tens of thousands of dollars more. While these numbers for Republicans pale in comparison to the millions upon millions poured into Democratic groups, causes, and candidates, it is significant that Soros executives are making a play inside the GOP. Perhaps even more significant is the type of Republican they aim to prop up: pro-amnesty, pro-open borders on trade, and generally speaking anti-Trump. A pattern emerges when looking at the policies of the Republicans that these Soros Fund Management executives support financially.


21 Comments on Follow the Money

  1. This evil POS needs to have all of his US assets frozen, his citizenship revoked, and an arrest warrant for sedition issued. He needs to be arrested, charged, and convicted, and upon conviction taken out behind the courthouse, made to dig his own grave, then be given two in the back of the head. Then bill his family members for the bullets.

  2. Left wing sites are minimizing the contributions saying they’re from an employe, not Soros but the employe was a top executive who would have been known to each of these candidates and Soros anti-American, open borders, globalism could not have been overlooked.

  3. RICO them all. The whole family, the entire organization.
    Confiscate everything, worldwide.
    Waterboard them all for the offshore accounts numbers.

    Have the trial at Gitmo before a military tribunal. At dawn.
    Execution of sentence immediately following.

    Make it available Pay-per-View.

  4. merc – you have my permission… fer whutever that’s worth {|;>)

    Once again I say we elected a majority to the House in 2012 and they did nothing.
    We elected a majority to the Senate and they did nothing.
    So, along with every, single America-Hating Progressive Asshole, including Revrum Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, out-of-touch, Lying, Deserter-Honoring, Communist-Organizing, Racist, Marxist Muzlim, Gay-Obsessed, Shitpickle-Eating, Purple-Lipped, Jug-eared Jihadi, these friggin, POS RINOs were overwhelmingly over-ruled by the in-touch, hard-working, over taxed-payer whey they elected Donald J. Trump to the office of President of the United States to make America great again! Now take care of our enemies including George Soros!

  5. Another way to look at who took money from Soros or why they took his money is to look at who is corrupted by dirty machine politics beyond redemption. These are the people who we desperately need to rid our gov’t of. They haven’t represented the interests of America or Americans for some time, if they ever did. We have no use of them, they’re dishonest and have no integrity. They cannot be trusted to have America’s back on domestic or foreign policy. It’s really that simple. When we say GOP Elite, these are the ones, the globalists who see a way to grift every cent out their office for personal gain. I intend, for example, to look further into just how much money Murkowski and Collins took in from the teachers’ unions in exchange for their vote against De Vos.

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