Follow this lefty logic- It’s okay to hire a foreigner to provide you dirt on opposition, not okay for them to approach you for free – IOTW Report

Follow this lefty logic- It’s okay to hire a foreigner to provide you dirt on opposition, not okay for them to approach you for free

Even if what this shitstain lackey Miller is saying is the truth, when you “hire” this foreign national to help you get elected, how do you know if they are working with their country’s government or not?


10 Comments on Follow this lefty logic- It’s okay to hire a foreigner to provide you dirt on opposition, not okay for them to approach you for free

  1. Not to mention the ridiculous of the spin by this idiot, but did the Clinton campaign and the DNC during the campaign say they had done this? No.

    If you’re honest about where the crap comes from that’s one thing. But here we have fraud on a scale rarely seen in history.

  2. We’ve come to the point where the democrats are openly flouting the law. They are open about their hypocrisy and double standards. They’re pushing it in our face and laughing because they know that no one will do anything about it.

  3. Let’s not miss the $$ element–think, “prostitute”, “gigolo”. It’s always better to pay for stuff. Unless you’re part of the “masses” that keeps Leftists in power, and then you deserve it for FREE. This is sound logic.

  4. Heard a number of Lefty’s say this drivel…with an adamant straight face no less (Tucker had one on last night). The tortured logic these people use to defend the indefensible is astounding (but not surprising).

    Liberalism is [definitely] a mental disorder (h/t Michael Savage.).

  5. remember, all leftard ‘logic’ is derived from one simple ‘fact’ ~ “When we do something, it is good & pure & only intended for the betterment of the collective; When our declared enemy merely suggests the same thing, it is most vile & evil & is intended to destroy the collective”

    simple: “We angels; them devils” … who said the progtards aren’t religious?

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