Follow Up: Controversial Canadian Bitcoin Exchange A Scam? – IOTW Report

Follow Up: Controversial Canadian Bitcoin Exchange A Scam?

Since the death of co-founder Gerald Cotton last December, Bitcoin exchange QaudrigaCX  fell under close scrutiny by both the public and Canadian tax authorities. Originally the founder’s widow, Jennifer Robinson claimed that Cotton had taken the pass words to millions of dollars worth locked in accounts with him.

Experts examining the operation’s block chain records have concluded that there never were any “cold wallet” accounts and that those running QaudrigaCX had been speculating with depositors’ money. Additional suspicion has fallen on the firm with near- certainty that Cotton’s co-founder is a notorious identity thief and burglar, Omar Dhanani, who was deported back to Canada from the US after serving a prison sentence. More

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has begun questioning all Canadians about their Bitcoin holdings and their trades in the cryptocurrency. More


10 Comments on Follow Up: Controversial Canadian Bitcoin Exchange A Scam?

  1. A couple guys at work, smarter than everyone else of course, brag about how much money they make trading Bit Coin…. then lament about how much they lose.
    Might as well be having fun in Vegas with better odds!

  2. How old is the advice “never buy a pig in a poke”? I’m guessing old enough that many people don’t even know what it means. How about buying “high end home theater components” from the back of a rental truck? Parked next to a gas station? Still sealed in their “factory” boxes? No? What about “the world’s next reserve currency”? From a factory in Mongolia? With computers, and stuff?

    Can you put on your “shocked” face, that people who would buy such merchandise, and the people that will sell it to them, don’t seem “quite right”?

  3. Hello Organizers, I am applying for a market stall site at the Warrandyte Festival. For many years I have had a stall each Warrandyte Community Market/ now Warrandyte Riverside Market. My goods have been received most enthusiastically and very much suit the Warrandyte community. In my stall I have natural fiber, (including cotton, linen, silk and alpaca,) clothing and accessories. These items feature exciting and elegant fabrics and designs. If possible I would like a double site. Could you please let me know if it is possible to have a site and how you would like payment to be made. Thank you Best regards Elaine (Blueberry Laine)

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