Follow Up: Driver Who Hit Janet Bewley Was Going 100 MPH – IOTW Report

Follow Up: Driver Who Hit Janet Bewley Was Going 100 MPH

Duluth News Tribune

A driver was traveling at 100 mph seconds before colliding with a vehicle driven by a Wisconsin state senator in a July crash in Ashland.

The crash killed the driver of the speeding vehicle, Alyssa Ortman, 27, of Clearfield, Pennsylvania, and her 5-year-old daughter, Khalessi Fink.

Sen. Janet Bewley, D-Mason, pulled out from a public beach in Ashland to turn east onto U.S. Highway 2 shortly before 12:30 p.m. July 22, when her car collided with the car driven by Ortman heading west. A third vehicle, driven by Jodi Munson of Washburn, was heading east when Ortman’s car spun across the highway and struck it. More

25 Comments on Follow Up: Driver Who Hit Janet Bewley Was Going 100 MPH

  1. “Death comes sweeping through the hallway, like a lady’s dress
    Death comes driving down the highway, in its Sunday best”
    -Blue Öyster Cult, “Fire Of Unknown Origin”

    …just like that…never took a dead person out of a car that looked like they planned to be dead when they got in…

  2. This kind of press release always leaves me wondering. There’s already been a wrongful death suite file by the family of the other driver based on the original police report. Which I googled and can’t seem to find now. But I’m about 99% sure I remember the investigation pointing it’s finger at a young male staffer that was driving the Senators SUV. I dunno. Three months to figure out the other car was speeding, but only two weeks after Biden tried to heap praise on a dead Republican? The only type he likes.

  3. There are very very few politicians I give 2/10ths of a shit about.
    They eat well, expense everything, enrich themselves, give themselves raises, and then move on to the private sector with insider knowledge, knowing full well they are taken care of by taxpayer pensions.

    However, the single most thing I hate is that MOST believe they should tell others how to live their lives.

    95% are all dirty, so IDGAF. (no intention to offend)

  4. Why has it taken this long to determine how fast the other vehicle was traveling? Who is being protected here? Ashland is a highly Democrat part of the state. If Bewley just had eye surgery the day before, why was she driving? From the photos it would appear that Bewley’s car was on the wrong side of the road. My gut tells me that Bewley is 51% responsible. Old age, old reflexes, old eyes.

  5. “…In the interview, Bewley said she was on the phone with a reporter during the crash. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has previously reported that its intern was speaking with her at that time.

    Bewley also said she had a cataract removed from her eye the morning before the crash but that the procedure improved, not inhibited, her vision.

    “Your vision is actually perfect from the moment the cataract’s off,” Bewley said in the interview. “They take the cataract off, put the lenses in and it’s, like, miraculous.”…”

    I call bullshit on two points. First, your eye needs 2-3 days to fully recover. And second. she admitted to talking on the phone prior and during the crash. Even if it was blue tooth hands free, it’s still a distraction. Funny how the speed was “recovered” and just now revealed, especially since the driver can’t defend herself.

  6. I smell a coverup. Let’s review: So the Senator had just had cataract surgery (and was not supposed to be driving), and was driving impaired (talking in her cellphone), when she pulled out in front of an oncoming car? But we are supposed to forget about all that because the dead woman had been speeding. If I am entering a Highway, I am pretty sure I can tell the difference between a car going 55 and one going 100. But regardless, the Senator should not have pulled out in front of an oncoming car, especially if it was speeding.

  7. As stirrin the FJB Pot said, you don’t see worth a tinkers damn for a couple of days after cataract surgery. You vision is still blurry as all get out, and you are still getting used to this color called “blue” that you have a vague recollection of seeing years ago.

    I don’t recall how long it was before I drove, but is sure as hell was not the next day.

    I hope you don’t mind, but here is my report on what it was like to have cataract surgery.

    I agree that it is very suspicious to this far after the accident it is released that the other driver was doing 100 MPH. I hope her family has an original copy of the report. I would love to see the WSP explain that one away. You would think that if she was really doing 100 MPH there would have been evidence at the time even before the report from the black box came back.

  8. A show of hands, please. How many still believe it was Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicking over a lantern in her barn which started the Chicago fire?

    (Not only did that not happen, she was found innocent by a jury. Though she had been found innocent, it still took her descendants petitioning for and receiving a formal acknowledgement from the city of Chicago, many decades later, to dispel the enduring myth that Kate O’Leary’s cow started the fire. Because,you see, the Democrat-run city and its lap dog media were hell-bent on vilifying those “dirty Irish immigrants” and sending them packing.)

  9. So the father of the little girl killed in the 100mph speeding car is suing the victim because she was on the phone? Sorry for the loss of your daughter but, no.

  10. Speeding or not (and the speeding smells like revisionist history) you don’t pull out in front of a vehicle which is traveling on the main thoroughfare, and thus, has the right-of-way.

    I believe it was called the “Boulevard Rule” but I may be wrong.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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  12. Bewley stated she saw two black vehicles (the speeder coming from the east and the oncoming traveling from the west). Bewley judged she had enough time to pull forward across two lanes and make a left turn to travel east. She stated she never saw the speeder who hit her. The state patrol recovered a computer control box from the speeder’s vehicle. She braked and hit Bewley’s vehicle a glancing blow, going 91 mph and was then moving into the oncoming vehicle gong 41 mph into the head on collusion.

    Bewley misjudged the speed of the oncoming traffic, most likely because she was distracted talking on the phone. She’s at least half if not more responsible for this fatality.

  13. I thought cars that pull out from a side street or parking lot, need to yield to cars traveling straight. The Senator caused this accident. To me, it’s irrelevant how fast the straight traveling car was going. (although that is very fast ) Add to that her eye surgery and she’s on the fucking phone!! I can’t stand to see people texting or talking on their phone while driving. WTF!! They are distracted and a danger to everyone. (sorry, vent is over)

  14. 1. Speed doesn’t kill; delta V does.
    2. Calculation of the speed at impact yields a speed of 55-60 mph(81-85 fps), based on the original speed, 2.5 seconds of pre-impact braking, and a friction coefficient of 0.8 (pretty standard for modern roadways).
    Dr Tar, I didn’t see the “91 mph” impact speed from the CDR report quoted in the article; neither have I seen the CDR report for the vehicle(s). If you have the reports, could please post them?
    3. Calculated distance translated by the decedent’s vehicle during the 2.5 second pre-impact braking was approximately 284 feet; had she been traveling at the posted speed limit of 45 mph, she would have stopped in a distance of 84 feet, and a time of 2.5 seconds. Stopping time at 100 mph is approximately 5-6 seconds.
    4.Nobody expects a vehicle to be traveling 100 mph in a 45 mph zone; people base there gap-acceptance decisions on the expectation of oncoming traffic travelling at the speed limit (unless the vehicle is close enough to see the high rate of speed; the decedent’s vehicle was 284 feet away when she responded to the hazard by braking …there was an additional time period preceding that response for the perception and recognition of the hazard and the response, meaning that she was more than 300 feet away at least).
    6. No “cover-up.” A collision analysis and reconstruction report is very involved, including working the scene; mapping the scene; vehicle inspections; interviewing witnesses; completing the forensic map, and writing the report.
    7. This is a civil case, the offender is dead. The senator was on the telephone (distracted driving), and had undergone eye surgery …which is no picnic as reported by commenters above. I’d be very surprised if a civil jury didn’t find that she bore a part of the liability; I’d be surprised if this wasn’t settled previous to court by the insurance companies.


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