Follow-up On HCQ for COVID19 Post – IOTW Report

Follow-up On HCQ for COVID19 Post

On the post about HCQ for COVID19 outpatients, Handy N Handsome gave some information in his comment about the drug Ivermectin. Here is the article he sited, with additional information at the end of this post.

Principia-Scientific International – It’s early December, 2020. I don’t know anything about Ivermectin. Then there’s a chance remark and an email in my inbox. It’s a miracle drug, I learn. The doctor I’m listening to, Pierre Kory, first presented to a US Senate Committee on May 7th.

He is presenting again on December 8th. He begs the senators to review the amazing data in the report. Take this drug and you will not get Covid. Guaranteed.

“I can’t keep doing this,” he pleads to the Senate Committee. People are dying, unable to breathe, and a remedy is known. His magic bullet: Ivermectin. [snip]

Numerous controlled and observational studies show that Ivermectin has strong anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects. Even in very severe cases, mortality is cut by up to 90%. But if it’s started early, there is zero mortality, and there are no severe cases.

Due to these results, the US Front-Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) recommends Ivermectin for covid-19 prophylaxis and early treatment.

I’ll go on to: why hasn’t there been a rush to get Ivermectin to patients? Plus, what is the right dosage?

But first, you may be asking: what about HCQ? I’ve long known the amazing effectiveness of HCQ through, in the US, the efforts of Dr Zelenko and later a 600-doctor group, the FrontLine Doctors.

HCQ has basically the same effectiveness rate as Ivermectin for early-stage Covid.

It has slightly less effectiveness for late-stage Covid (about 3% less effectiveness).

So, I’m all for HCQ.

But it’s banned in many countries, as well as in many American states.

It’s easier to turn to Ivermectin, than to combat the many government and health agencies that so very clearly do not have our well-being as a high priority.

Read the whole article here.

h/t Handy N Handsome: The blister pack, called Ziverdo Kit, is available here.

Here are two other links for more information:

Coronavirus Statistics – India
Coronavirus Statistics – USA

17 Comments on Follow-up On HCQ for COVID19 Post

  1. You can buy ivermectin at any farm supply and from Amazon. It is very commonly used for parasite treatment in livestock and pets, and used extensively in India and Africa for human parasites—-that is, parasites in humans, not human parasites….I bought a lifetime’s supply for about $35.00 under the “Ivomec” label.

  2. Man I just had a conversation with a customer who is a regional manager for a Pharmaceutical company that supplies HCQ. They were in the middle of clinicals and got shut down. Here’s what he says, “They knew it worked so they had to keep it from being used, otherwise Trump would currently be your president.”
    Interesting perspective. If true how criminal is that?

  3. They don’t promote Ivermectin or HCQ for one reason- they can’t make money from it.
    Also, read/review the “Tower of Babel’ story.
    The mRNA pharmaceutical companies think they are smarter than a virus. They don’t understand the intelligence they are dealing with, or how their attempts at defeating it are meddling with the genetics of those who receive their poorly tested products. But they make a lot of money from those products- the products that were researched with taxpayers money. It is all about the money. And the politics.
    They are motivated by profit and protecting their investments. I don’t think they will ever accept that the motivation of a virus is survival. A virus will mutate however necessary, in order that it will survive. They’re deliberately altering human genetic code and the virus will just mutate around it, possibly taking advantage of the alterations from the mRNA inoculations.
    bill gates is not smarter than a virus
    That shit ain’t gong in my body

  4. I did go through America’s Front Line Doctors for the HCQ. It took about 3-4 weeks to receive my meds. I also went to Tractor Supply for the apple flavored Ivermectin paste, but I hope I don’t have to use it.

  5. Yup!
    I’ve been taking the Ivermectin paste since December, as a preventative.
    First dose , two hours after a meal. Second dose three days later, two hours after eating.
    Then, once every other week two hours after a meal.
    The paste comes in a syringe good for 1250# of animal, with graduations and a lock ring for each 250#.
    As I said, I’ve been taking it since December, and the only side effect I noticed was a craving for raw carrots LOL.

  6. I’ve been talking about Iverectin as early as April, 2020, when a report came out of Australia about it. Like HCQ, it’s effectiveness has been known since Day 1 against diseases like China Flu.

  7. America has 300-500k dead in 2020-21, as opposed to 675K dead in 1918 (50-70% of 1918)

    India and Bangladesh has 200K dead in 2020-21 as opposed to 20 MILLION dead in 1918 (1% of 1918)

    And if using HCQ is the reason for this, doesnt Fauci has some ‘splaining to do …. as in, doesn’t he have to explain why he shouldn’t swing from a lamp post


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