Follow Up: Tribal Band Demands Near $9 Million Before Negotiating a Settlement on Road Access – IOTW Report

Follow Up: Tribal Band Demands Near $9 Million Before Negotiating a Settlement on Road Access


The Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians recently told the town of Lac du Flambeau they must pay for their past trespass before the tribe will allow any permits for future use of roads that cross tribal lands.

In a letter to the town, the president of the Lac du Flambeau tribe, John Johnson, Sr, explains they have enacted a Road Access Permitting Ordinance that applies to all roads that cross lands owned by the tribe. The ordinance allows legal access to those roads in exchange for a fee. But they say the town will not be able to utilize the permitting ordinance until the ongoing issues regarding access to other tribal roads are resolved. More

The particulars of the demands for restitution for access to four roads. Here

19 Comments on Follow Up: Tribal Band Demands Near $9 Million Before Negotiating a Settlement on Road Access

  1. The reservations near me make a killing selling cheap tax free gasoline and cigarettes. Every once in a while NY state tries to get them to collect state tax. The indians just go out and start tire fires on the Thruway where it runs through their land.

  2. Reading some of the stupid comments on this page and many of the other pages here make me root for the Indians even more.

    Some of our IOTW commenters really are dumbfucks on display.
    Remove all doubts? Watch. . .

  3. The state withheld $1 million in casino money from the ban, but they still want their $9 million. Being an election year, I expect the federal government pony up and of course remind the tribes across the state who to vote for come November.

    I think the state should use eminent domain and carve a new access that connects these four disputed roads to the nears highway at the cost of the property owners. I don’t know exactly how far the new street would have to stretch, but I would imagine the project would cost less than $9 million. Use the band’s casino money to defray the cost.

  4. White man speak with forked tongue. Princess gets pokey haunted Indian medicine man visit. Indian lands are under Federal protection, if they the state (forked tongue white men) could of simply used eminent domain they would of used this a long long time ago. Eminent domain, tomahawked by your mostly friendly Federal Government.

  5. “White man speak with forked tongue.”

    Oh look, someone wants to play cowboys and injuns. How has that ever worked out. Well, except for Custer. But even that end result was not good for the red man. Or, behind door number two, can I tempt you with something shiny?

  6. I’m guessing that the local non-Indians had best find the nearest detour around the tribal lands – if possible.
    And I like the idea of a toll gate… both directions. You charge us to drive on your roads? We charge you to drive on our roads. No beads or wampum for payment.
    And snow plowing? Road repairs (potholes & crumbling surfaces) and maintenance? Yer on yer own. Have fun.

  7. Funny thing is I’m a big supporter of our indigenous peeps. Their culture is fascinating. Their young women are some of the most heavily sexually trafficked. Because it’s never reported, no one would know They’ve been shit on by our government five ways from Sunday. But I hate assholes that come here and try and wreck the thread. If yo want to watch a great movie that illustrates this, tee up Wind River.

  8. Black man speak with double forked tongue. You no like Federal Indian land laws, can u say as a black mammy one u r so focked. Enjoy black one. Federal government agreements with indigenous REAL REAL AMERICANS Indians,you have no clue, black boy of our rights, fuck off & suck an orange dick.

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