Foo Fighters Drummer Dies (Only 50 Years Old) – IOTW Report

Foo Fighters Drummer Dies (Only 50 Years Old)

HT/ Jerry Manderin


Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins has died, the rock band announced Friday. He was 50.

The band, founded by lead singer Dave Grohl, said in a tweet that they were devastated by Hawkins’ untimely death.

“His musical spirit and infectious laughter will live on with all of us forever,” the band said in the statement.

The cause of death was not released in the band’s statement. The rock group said Hawkins was a beloved member of the band.

“Our hearts go out to his wife, children and family, and we ask that their privacy be treated with the utmost respect in this unimaginably difficult time,” the band wrote.


Is it wrong that the first thing you used to think of was “drugs.”

Now you think it’s because of the jab.

He was a great drummer.

24 Comments on Foo Fighters Drummer Dies (Only 50 Years Old)

  1. Foo Fighters were major a-holes about the jabs too – forcing everyone attending concerts to get jabbed. So many people just not waking up at young ages and no curiosity why.

  2. Since were on the subject, Mrs Radio Matt M’s sister passed away Saturday in England. If you could keep both Mrs RMM and her sister in your thoughts and prayers it would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  3. The cause of death was not released in the band’s statement.

    It was either the jab or suicide, either one take your pick. In the future, dropping dead will slow down, next will be the grueling death of contracting AIDS from the jab. That’s coming by Fall.

  4. My first thought was indeed drugs. Many go that way.

    I know nothing about the foo fighters though other than the origin of the term. Looking up this about their vaxx stance, yeah, that’s probably REALLY what killed him.

    …but people die of all sorts of things. Who knows. It doesn’t matter what you die of, but who you live for that decides your ultimate destination in the end.

    Don’t know the guy. Probably wouldn’t have liked him. Doesn’t matter now, does it? He didn’t need to know me, but for his sake, I hope he knew Jesus.

    …still, pray for whatever family he has that they may find peace and solace and strength to deal with his apparently unexpected end. Death is never fun for those left behind, but it’s extremely hard on them when they don’t see it coming.

    Maybe you and I didn’t love him, but somoene did.

    Pray for them.

  5. Now you think it’s because of the jab.

    First thing I thought of was white supremacist, transphobic, NAZIs… who refuse to get jabbed. And are murdering millions of Good(TM) people. With their cooties!

    Then I thought… toenail fungus.

  6. In the future—if there is a future—we will look back on all these groups that banned the unjabbed from their shows in the same way we look back at all of the Live Aid We Are The World crap: vacuous excess dressed up in moral preening and virtue signaling. Kind of like Bono’s Ukraine Poem.

  7. @fnuck, son of fnord…

    “Then I thought… toenail fungus.”

    lol what made you think of that? Those ads are disgusting. I can’t wait for that wave to pass, and the “women checking their boobs” wave returns.

  8. @ Goldenfoxx MARCH 26, 2022 AT 9:40 AM

    The cause of death was not released in the band’s statement.

    It was either the jab or suicide, either one take your pick.

    I’m pretty sure they are one in the same.

  9. Taylor Hawkins used needles.
    A lot of them.
    A lot.

    I knew this was coming a few years ago.
    I like some of their music, but generally the 90’s were the shittiest period in music.

    HEROINE fueled garbage

  10. I had a real good friend who owned Avalanche Concert Lighting and they supplied PA for major acts when in Seattle. I had all the all access passes I wanted just for asking. I didn’t ask very often. Don’t like crowds.

    Anyway, I used to attend Bumbershoot in Seattle annually then one year the acts included guys in flannel staring at their feet and mumbling about their depression and some other shit. To be honest, I couldn’t sit through it and within a couple years that was what most of the “entertainment” consisted of. Ain’t been back and have never listened to a single grunge music song all the way through.

    The shit bores me.

  11. “Hawkins suffered chest pains but he was already dead by the time medical responders arrived.”

    …Uhh, I feel like they’re skipping over quite a lot here.

    It doesn’t say he was FOUND dead, just “already dead by the time medical responders arrived”, and those are not the same thing. I mean, did the medics just show up and shrug?

    There ARE circumstances under which even a “peaceful” death like cardiac arrest while sleeping will result in no action on arrival. DNR, yes, but also you’re not going to abuse a corpse if there’s rigor, dependent lividity, or obvious conditions inconsistent with the continuation of life like decapitation or incineration. I don’t know about Columbia and it’s kind of a state-by-state thing, but here’s a pretty good list of things that say the patient can be said to be an ex-person.

    …so with “chest pains”, you can eliminate a number of these right off the bat, pretty sure he wasn’t decapitated or evicerated in any way, BUT people DO arrest in the tub and slip ‘neath the waves and 10 minutes CAN go by after an arrest, especially if security keeps people away and doesn’t check themselves for awhile, but that one’s a bit sketchier because you’d have to have some idea WHEN they arrested to decide that, simply being slightly cold to the touch doesn’t prove anything.

    Plus, while I’d like to think that Bogata EMS would work equally hard for EVERYONE, I HAVE to believe that WORLD FAMOUS MUSICIAN would whip their asses a bit HARDER. This won’t be a one-paragraph obituary in the local fishwrap, this will be WORLD WIDE NEWS as you see it is, so they’d probably make SOME effort for that, if no other reason; so if they did NOT, there MUST be something else in play that they just are not relating here.

    And also, why wouldn’t your security guys know CPR? Why wouldn’t anyone in the hotel, ESPECIALLY one with WORLD FAMOUS guests in it? Hell, SOME musicians have been known to travel with their own personal DOCTOR! (Which helped Michael Jackson not at all, but that’s neither here nor there).

    …so, long story short, there’s more to this story. Drugs are boring with rock stars and Narcan flows like water these days, so you wouldn’t think they’d hold THAT back. The jab COULD be in play but he’s had it long enough to make that ambiguous, especially in a compliant press.

    You have to wonder what ROCK STARS would be too embarrassed to say.

    …It’ll come out, sooner or later. Doesn’t really matter except to those who love him, I suppose.

    But being famous, even drummer famous, has its price.

    And part of that price is that folks are gonna know how you died, sooner or later.

    Those still alive should consider that as a stong hint that they should try to die well.

    And maybe not push the Jab.

  12. He was in a coma for two weeks from a drug overdose a few years back. I’d put my money on that. Very sad. I was never a fan,but the guy was a real terror on the sticks. A shame.

  13. Let’s see…ex-druggie lands in Columbia, land of the pure uncut sparkling pink rock cocaine…available there on every street corner….and he’s NOT going to partake of the country’s leading export?
    Come on, man!
    The Who’s bassist John Entwistle, Hendrix drummer Mitch Mitchell, Andy Gibb, Quiet Riot’s singer Kevin DuBrow and many more…all of them died from cardiac arrest in hotel rooms when somebody brought them the pure shit.
    I’d bet he was one, too.

  14. Unconfirmed in an article that one of the coppers on the scene described a white cocaine like powder.

    also CBS NEWS “10 different substances in his body” benzo, Opioids, and other stuff.


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